All ends well

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Your fourth period class was over and you were exhausted. They made you do critical exercises and even with a partner. The teacher, Ms.Tsunade chose your partner's and it had to be one male and one female. Your partner was a good friend of yours since 6th grade, Gaara. 

The both of you had many things in common that cause you to be friends. Like how both of you were bullied many times. One time you saved him from a kid who is from the Chinji clan. And how you have a strange mark on your bodies. Gaara's has his on his forehead that said "love", while yours is on your back that said "No one". 

And the two of you had no parents, just siblings. Sadly you had to switch partners with someone. Later your partner was Naruto Uzumaki who you're also friends with. Anyway, you stood at the gate waiting for Deidara and Izumi, until you saw Itachi with his uchiha family. 

"Hey (y/ n), we want you to meet a couple of friends" Itachi spoke "This is Madara and Obito Uchiha." The two examined you and your appearance. "Are you an Uchiha?" Madera asked examining you eyes. You blushed and didn't know what to say. "No she's not, she's a member of the Katsu Clan with her older brother, Deidara and sister,Izumi." Itachi spoke for you.

 He could tell that you got a little nervous and shy. "I don't think so, her eyes look well fit for the sharingan" Madara claimed. "So your (y/ n), right? Izumi talks about all day today" Obito folded you. "So did Deidara" agreed Madara. Of course they would! 24/7 they would tell their friends how much you are so cute! 

A raven screech came to everyone's ears. The Uchihas covered them up for the noise was irritating but to you you were used to it. "What the hell is that?" Yelled Sasuke, "Make it stop I can't stand it!" Demanded Shisui. You looked up and saw that it was Kuro, flying around to find you. You waved your hands in the air so he could see you, he did. He stopped screeching and flew down to your shoulder. *You just had to come now silly?* you thought. 

The guys released their ears and looked at you and Kuro."Is that your pet or something?" Asked Sasuke. You nod your head yes "His name is Kuro". Everyone was amazed at the bird and how the owner is a member of the Katsu Clan. "She would make a fine uchiha" Itachi admitted. "Yeah and already she feels like a sister to me"Shisui giggled. "We need to go guys but, it was a pleasure meeting you (y/ n)." Madara assured. 

Each of them said goodbye, with Itachi the last one. "See you tomorrow." Itachi said as he took your hand, kissed it, and left. "Itachi is very sweet."You told Kuro."Maybe I do have a crush on him a little." Five minutes later Deidara and Izumi finally came to meet you at the gate."Oh (y/ n), (y/ n) everything was perfect" Izumi cheered "now let's go home."She led the way skipping, joyfully singing the Vanessa Carlton "thousands miles" song. While you were in the middle and Deidara was at the end."Oh (y/ n) can we go anywhere without that bird following you?, hm" Deidara sarcastically asked."What he can't help it" you answered.

By the time you got home, you changed to your pajamas and work on your homework. The only homework you get is the History, Reading/Language and Science. Kuro stood on his stand, looking out the window. Izumi sat on the couch, singing that same song while texting her friends and Deidara was making everyone dinner. It doesn't take long for him to do it which is a good thing, his meals are so delicious. "Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces past and I'm homebound" Izumi sanged. You hold a pillow to your ears so you can concentrate. By the time you were done Deidara called on both of you. "Dinner sisters of mine, hm" he called. 

Always Izumi got hers first and went back on the couch. You received a text from Itachi and Shisui (you switched phone numbers in third period). Deidara walked to your room with your plate, knocked the door loud so you can hear. "(Y/ n), are in there" he asked and you didn't answer. He opened the door and founded you on your bed, texting a friend. 

He sat next to you and tried to take your phone away but he failed. "What are you doing " you asked. "You didn't come for dinner so I made dinner come to you" he explained "you still have that look on your face, is someone picking on you?" *By picking on you mean stalking then yes meaning Sasori* you thought but you kept that to yourself. 

"No not at all. I actually met more than two new friends who weren't from my old school" you noted. "See I told you, now if anyone is bothering you let me know okay" He told you "Really?"You asked. "I'm serious (y/ n), as your loyal older brother I will always be there" Deidara declared. 

"Hey, Deidara. I have a question." You said. 

"Yes?" Deidara said.

"Why do I have to go to this school?" You asked.

"Because, Izumi and I don't want anything happening to you. I know it's not what you like but, it's for the best." Deidara smiled.

He pats you on the head and leaves a yummy meat and rice plate on the bed for you."Goodnight, hm" he said before he closes the door behind him. You finished your homework and began to eat, it didn't take you almost long time to do either of those. After you were finished with the plate you used a jutsu the cause the object to float in mid air and sets it on the kitchen counter.  You walked to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You turned off the light , told Kuro goodnight and went to sleep.

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