What is the surprise?

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When the three of you got home, Deidara set you on your bed while Izumi got some ointment she made last weak to heal the burn you have on your wrist. Kuro stood on the stand eating his food, as usual. "Are you okay (y/ n)?" Izumi asked as she took her finger with ointment and rubbed it on your wrist. "Yes, thank you Izumi" you thanked. Two visible tears run from your eyes, running down your cheeks, to the bottom of your face. "Oh, (y/ n) don't cry we have to go to the dance, remember?" Izumi reminded you. 

"I knew something like this might happen, hm. Uchiha are very dangerous,hm" Deidara said. "No, Itachi is not like that, they're all not like that. They are very sweet, especially Itachi." You disagreed. "Oh, really than tell me what happened between you two back there? Hm" questioned Deidara. "He's just mad that I'm going to the dance with......" You paused hoping that you didn't say too much. Izumi and Deidara glared at you mysteriously like a couple of detectives. "(Y/ n), who are you going to the dance with?" Izumi asked with a cheer rising. "He better not be an uchiha!" Deidara added. You took a breath thinking what is going to happen.

*Izumi Is going to jump up and down and Deidara is gonna say something like "at least he's not an uchiha" or " I know him"* you thought, but you had to tell them something. "Sasori, he's an old friend of mine from 10 years ago" you admitted as you went in your closet to choose the dress your going to wear. "OH MY GOSH, (Y/ N) I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Izumi cheered as she hugged you and jumped up and down. "At least he is not an uchiha" Deidara said. *I knew it* you thought as your break out of Izumi's embrace. "But he is a weird kid. He even told me how art is eternal beauty it is not" Deidara added "cause art is an explosion, fleeting, scattering of beauty." 

Izumi jumped out of your room so she can change into her dress. "Come on Deidara let's get ready, I can't wait to meet him" she said as she pulled Deidara's arm  outside your room. You found a red dress in the back and put it on to see if it looks good. "Wow I had no idea I looked this good in red!" You smiled. Sasori texted you while you were putting on your white shoes, cherry lip gloss and white vest. 

"Hello my eternal beauty, where are you?" Sasori asked

"I am on my way, I had to prepared myself" you explained

"Don't change too much. I want to recognize you. Make sure your lips are kissable" Sasori said

"What?" You asked

"(Y/ n) let's go" Deidara called you. You quickly ran down the stairs with your mini purse, and saw your siblings and their splendid taste in fashion.Your older brother was wearing a white tuxedo with a red shirt and your older sister wearing a pink fluffy dress with sparkles. " I still have a bad feeling about this so let's just get it over with. " You said with a smile. The three of you walked to the school building 2 where the dance is suppose to be. "So (y/ n), what does Sasori look like?" Izumi asked. "He has light brown eyes red hair and skinny appearance" you described. "Good I can't wait to meet him" she replied. *Ha, you can dream!* you thought. Outside the building you heard a heap of music and everyone laughing, making you feel pretty nervous already.

 "Sounds like we are going to have too much fun, hm" Deidara confirmed. You hid behind Izumi, scared of what might happen with you and Sasori. "Don't worry (y/ n), this will be the best dance you have ever been to" Izumi promised "and this time I WON'T embarrass you." You gave Izumi a big hug, making you feel a little better. "Thank you " you whispered. As you were about to come in you heard Sasori's voice in the shadows.

 "You look so beautiful in that dress" he commented as he came from the shadows. He looked at you in the eyes, you can't help it but let his eyes hypnotize you. He wore a  black tuxedo with a red shirt, a very interesting combination. "So where is your siblings?" He asked. "They went in already" you answered. Sasori placed his hand in yours and leaned over to you. *Wait, not out here, why can't I move?* you thought.

 By the time you found the courage to stop him, his lips had already touched yours. *Too late*. No tongue was involved, but as he kissed you he squeezed your hand even tighter. Sasori was finished, remove his lips from yours and whispered to your ear quietly. "Ha your lips taste like cherries" he said, making you remember the cherry lip gloss you put on earlier. You blushed so much that you wanted to hide your face in a bag. " You are just so cute you know that" Sasori sighed "now let's go in." He opened the door for you and found yourself a whole lot of people from your school who showed up. You saw Shisui coming over to you to greet you like always. "Hey (y/ n) you made it. Glad that your here" he smiled. "You too. How is Itachi?" You asked. "Oh, he's doing ........." Shisui paused when Sasori came and stood right next to you. 

Shisui's smile vanished like it was never there."I'll see you later" he waved. Sasori pulled your arm to get you attention. When he did, he pointed to a table where you can sit at. "I want to make you feel like the only girl in the world" Sasori said. "Oh, really? Then how do you want to start?" You asked sarcastically. "I'll get us some drinks, then when we're done, we'll go dancing" he answered immediately. While he went to get drinks, someone called you on your phone. "Huh?" You reacted and then answered. "Hello?" You began, "(y/ n), is that you?" A voice said.

"Itachi! What's wrong? You don't sound normal"

"It's okay" he said "listen, do you think you can meet me after the dance?"

"Uh, sure. But I have to escape quickly before my siblings notice."

"Good. I cause I...."

"Who are you talking to?" Sasori asked disturbed. "I got to go I'll call you later" you assured. "Oh, okay" Itachi agreed. You hung up the phone and put it in you purse. "It was just Itachi, Sasori don't worry". You said. Sasori handed you a grape soda, he got himself a water. You can't help but notice that Sasori and Shisui had been exchanging dirty looks at each other ever since you got here. *Did Itachi told him what he told me?* you thought.

 After five minutes Sasori jumped up and grabbed your hand. "Let's go dance" he said. "But this is a slow song" you replied. "Exactly" he told you. You got up on the dance floor with him and slowly danced like everyone else. Your hands were on his shoulders, as his hands were on you hips, swaying left to right.

 "Beautiful, you are just what I have been searching for, soon you will be all mine" he whispered "What do you mean?" You asked. "You'll see" he giggled. The both of you dance to the slow songs they played for about 30 minutes,by the time your feet started to hurt. When they now began to play a fun song, you used the bathroom. "Where are you going?" Your date concerned. "I'm using the bathroom, I'll  be back" you assured him. "Don't take too long, I hate to be kept waiting, my eternal beauty" he said. You went into the girls bathroom, luckily it didn't take you long, just 3 minutes.

 When you came back out you sat at your table and found a note. You read the note, analyzing the handwriting it was from Sasori. "Come to the building terrace, I have a surprise for you my eternal beauty, from Sasori" it said. You took your cup of water since you felt a little parched and went up to the stairs and saw Sasori on the terrace. You opened the doors and what you saw was unexplainable and unforgivable. You drop your water on the ground as your heart broke in pieces. As you saw...........

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