Nice to see you again

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"Alright class before we begin there is a list of your group on the billboard" your science teacher said. The whole class got up to read the list, as for you, you just sat at the table quietly. You didn't really care who is in your group. Well...a little. You just hope the Itachi is. There was something about him that you liked.*Wait, do I have a crush on the guy?........Maybe* you thought. As long as you don't tell your siblings then, your fine."Oh man Itachi your lucky" Shisui stated "you get to be in the group with (y/n)". "Oh really who else?" Itachi asked.   

Your inner self was relieved. You got to get in a group with Itachi, who you might have a crush on. But you couldn't help it but wonder about Sasori and what class is he in. Maybe he'll be fine.                                                                                                               

"Well there's Sakura, Hinata, and some kid named Sasori". Your eyes widened with surprise. You remembered him from earlier when you saved him from those three girls. And possibly he could be the kid from 10 years ago who was you first friend. While you wondered about him, he came to the classroom along with Gaara. Your eyes met his once again which means that he must've remembered you as well. Itachi looked at you trying to get your attention.

                                                                                 "Do you know him?" He asked. You blinked and turned towards Itachi who had a detective look on his face."Yeah, he's an old friend of mine, I think" you responded. Sasori walked to you with a blank expression on his face. He  had it since he first saw you which kind of creeped you out. The Sasori you remember was always smiling when he saw you but that was 10 years ago. *Wrong guy?* you thought*of course not it has to be him, he looks exactly like him*. 

Sasori sat next to you, still staring at you with those same light brown eyes as earlier. "I see you remember me as I remember you" he said "I wonder how long it has been?" "10 years"you reminded him. "Ah yes it's good too see you (y/ n)". You nodded your head as he took a seat next to you."It's good to see you to Sasori, but I have a question to ask you".

As soon as everyone was at there group the science teacher began class. "Hello my intelligent pupils I'll be your science teacher Mr.Orochimaru and today we are going to be talking about my favorite subject snakes" The teacher spoke. As the teacher was talking you and Sasori whispered to each other. "What is it?" Sasori whispered. "Those girls from earlier what did they want from you?" You asked.

 "Masuta ,Itami, and Kirai? I have a past with them from 4 years ago" he answered. "What do you mean you have a past with them. What happened?" You asked again. "It's doesn't matter anymore, so it's not your business. After all, we finally reunited after 10 years so you shouldn't be asking questions like that" he stated."Wait what?" You gasped.

 "Oh and by the way I didn't need your help with them I know how to handle fights, but I had know idea you were that strong" he pointed out. "Well I'm sorry at first I didn't even know that was you" you apologize to him. "Oh it wasn't your fault. It was the fact that your parents never taught you how to mind your own business. Oh I forgot you don't hate any" he teased. "You have really changed have you? Well, I hope that I'll be able to get along with you, soon" you gritted your teeth. 

"Oh, don't worry. I feel like we're getting close already." Sasori smiled. You tried not to pull his red hair out after that offensive joke and played attention to the teacher. Itachi who sat at the right of you heard every word the two of you said. You tried to make sense on why is he acting like that. 

Finally second period was over after thirty minutes of snake facts and trying not to pay attention to Sasori, you grabbed you bag and started to make your way to the food court (lunch). However you were still offend. *That little red haired b!+©#* you mumbled in you head. *He doesn't have parents either, what the hell!* Itachi, Shisui, and Sasuke were right behind you. "Are you okay?" Itachi asked, put his arm around you to console you. "Yeah I'm fine" you lied.

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