I have to warn you

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It was after fourth period that you walked out and looked at the time. It was 2:28, meaning that you have two minutes to get to the gate from the gym which was little bit far. Before you could begin to make your way Itachi stopped you. "Hey (y/ n) Can I talk to you?" He urgently asked "It's about Sasori". You took a breath when he said he needs to talk about Sasori.*Should I tell him?* you asked yourself. "What about him?" You asked. "Listen you have to stay away from him, he's not a the Sasori you once knew" he warned "he cannot be trusted not matter what." 

At first you wanted to tell him about how Sasori asked you out but then you saw a white bandage wrapped around his left shoulder. "What happened to your left shoulder? " You asked trying to change the subject. "I want you to look at it" Itachi insisted as he unwrapped his bandage and shows you a scar, leaking a little blood and some purple liquid. "Sasori did this" Itachi revealed. You almost felt like crying but you had to keep it in. In your mind there is no way Sasori would have done that damage, just no way. But Itachi can't be lying to you, he never did. 

At this point you didn't know who to believe. Itachi wrapped the scar back up and gave you the most sad eyes you have ever seen. "What are you going to do ?" Asked Itachi. "If only you wouldn't have told me sooner, cause Sasori asked me to go to the dance" you admitted. The sad eyes the Itachi had now disappeared. He placed his arms on your shoulders. "Are you kidding me? This is not good, why did you  have to say yes" Itachi shooked you. "It's okay look he probably did it on accident he would never hurt me" you tried to convince him. "No will (y/ n) he will you into a human puppet!" He exclaimed

"Calm down Itachi" 

"No, your life is at risk and you want to calm down?"

"Well obviously"

You looked at your watch to check what time is it. *CRAP! 2:39 I'M LATE. DEIDARA GONNA KILL ME* you panicked. "I gotta go Itachi" you said. "No, you don't" he demanded by grabbing your arm tight."Itachi what are you doing? I have to go." You told him. "No, I have to warn you! Stay away from him" Itachi demanded. "Itachi...I have to go, please let me go!" You demanded. "No, I must protect you! Must protect you!" He repeated "Do as I say, come with me!" He pulls your arm as he tries to drag you to the gate.

"Where are we going?" You asked. "We are going to my place. I will not let him harm you. Now come on!" Itachi dragged you.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>At the gate>>>>>>>>>>

Deidara and Izumi stood at the gate waiting for you. "Where is (y/n), the dance starts at 6:30 and I want to get ready" Deidara whined. "Do you think she's in trouble?" Wondered Izumi. "No of course not. (y/n) is a good girl" Deidara said.

 A raven screech came over the top of Deidara and Izumi's heads. Both of them were able to recognize the raven and the screech, it was Kuro. They looked at each other, afraid that something must have happened to you. "You don't think that..well...you know?" Izumi guessed "I mean, this is (y/ n) we're talking about." 

"I don't know, but the only person who can track her is Kuro." Deidara said. "True, but what are we going to do?" Izumi asked.  "We need to follow that raven. It can lead us to (y/ n)" Deidara stated. "Of course Kuro always follows her around even to the school " Izumi pointed out. They ran to the same direction hoping that you are alright. "Don't worry, (y/n), we're coming for you! Hold on!" Izumi called.

Meanwhile Itachi is trying to prevent you to leave. "Itachi let go" you yelled. "No you have to listen to me" he refused. "Look why do you care about the dance with Sasori your not even coming" you argue "Because I care about you" Itachi said he grabbed your face and started to slowly bring his closer to yours. But before your lips connect.........

"BACK OFF MY LITTLE SISTER, ITACHI HM"A voice yelled. Itachi turned around and saw your brother and sister standing right there. "Deidara, Izumi how did you guys find me?" You gasped. Kuro landed on Deidara's shoulder since yours were closed. "Kuro" you said. "Well you came at the right time you two." Itachi said. "Let my little sister go, bastard" Deidara gritted his teeth making him sounded even scarier. Itachi lifted the hand with you in it and let go causing you to fall onto the ground. 

"(Y/ n)" Izumi gasped. "(Y/ n) how do you know Itachi?" Deidara asked you. "We're in the same class and he's one of the special friends of mine" you confessed.

"How many special friends do you have?" He asked.

" a lot" you answered

"And five of them are uchiha including me" spoke Itachi."Face it Deidara, how long are you going to keep lying to her? It won't take long for her to figure it out?"

"Lying to me? About what?" You concerned. "Nothing (y/ n). Don't listen to him, he's cold like the rest of them, hm" Deidara said. "No he's not, all of them are not, they are actually very nice once you get to know them." you said "I know your mad but please, we can't you get along." Itachi widened his eyes at you, a sign that says that he will remember your loyality.

"No, there is no evidence that these Uchihas are not cold-hearted killers!" Deidara claimed. "Yes, there is. If they were then Itachi's would have killed me!" You protested "they are not cold-hearted, even if they want to." "Cold-hearted, Deidara? Your sister is one of them!" Itachi said, both of the men ignored you. *One of them? Are they talking about Izumi?* you thought.

"She is not!" Deidara shouted. "Yes, she is!" Itachi shouted back. "Stop it, both of you! Can we please just go home, now?" Izumi demanded that caused them to be silent.

 "Let's go" Deidara said as his carries you bridal style and Izumi walks in front, and Kuro flys there. You take one more glance at Itachi and his face. At first he smiled at you, waving goodbye with tears rolling down his face. He blows you a sweet kiss and walks his way to home. *Was he really trying to warn me?* you thought * What did he mean by a human puppet?* "I can't believe that bastard!" Deidara mumbled "what was he doing with (y/n)?" 

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