23. Hit the Brakes

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  • Dedicated to To the people that can drive :P

A/N: Side picture is of Immy/Ozzy/Leon. External link will take you to pictures of other cast members. I will fill in the cast list to the best of my ability if I know their names. Also, big thanks to people who helped me out with driving and also the funny stories :) this helped in this chapter! So I'm just going to dedicate this to them :P 

Blake and I begin to make a start on dinner, with both of us knowing that we need to keep busy to stop ourselves from talking about the inevitable regarding Ozzy and me. Sam still hasn’t come down and nor has Ozzy, which doesn’t spell the best news. 

‘Pass the onion please,’ Blake instructs, going about making her sauce for the spaghetti bolognese. As she chops away, her eyes streaming with tears, I begin to lay out the table, hoping that all four place sets will be filled. I’m already stressing about where I will be sitting and who I will be sitting next to, hoping I’m not next to Ozzy. 

As Blake leaves the sauce to simmer and enrich the mince, we sit down on the sofa and watch some evening television of a documentary, when we hear footsteps behind us. We both look back at the same time and see Sam coming down the stairs. 

‘Is he-?’ Blake begins. 

‘He’ll be down for dinner. But I just imagine this going down like an episode of Friends with Ross and Rachel.’

Blake sends me a sympathetic look and sighs. Maybe I’ll just get drunk instead to make the meal more bearable bearable. ‘It’ll be fine,’ she reassures. ‘I just wish Gino was here too. The boy could fill any awkward silence.’ 

An hour later and Sam has gone upstairs to drag down Ozzy for dinner. I’ve insisted on sitting next to Blake and opposite Sam, the furthest position away from Ozzy. I watch as he plods down the stairs from the table and watch him take a seat, opposite me. My eyes widen and Sam rolls his eyes, taking Ozzy’s seat. As Blake serves up, we sit in silence, none of us knowing what to say. 

Once we’ve all got our bowls filled with delicious spaghetti bolognese, we descend into eating in silence and almost feel bad for Blake and Sam, but I’m not going to be the one breaking it. 

Clearly, Blake can’t stand no talking, so she breaks it by saying, ‘Well, I’m pregnant.’

Immediately, Sam splutters the beer from his mouth, Ozzy drops his cutlery and I’ve gasped, murmuring noooo, when Blake smirks, relief flooding over her face. ‘No, I’m not, but come on guys, don’t make me sit in silence. This is like a lecture room.’

‘Bloody hell you did not just give a pregnancy scare,’ Sam scolds. ‘What the hell, Blake? Not cool.’

‘What? I can’t sit in silence! Please, I can’t do it! Just, talk. About anything! Lets talk about this pretend pregnancy.’

‘No, let’s not,’ Sam cuts in, still traumatised by the admission. ‘We are not even imagining that you are pregnant. That’s what condoms are for.’

‘Well lets talk about something else then,’ she exclaims, almost desperately. ‘Please! Anything!’

‘What about your holiday?’ I suggest, glancing across at the boys. I’ve still not heard anything about it. They share a look but Ozzy still says nothing and Sam sighs. 

‘Anything else but that?’ He asks. 

Blake slaps her hand to her head and pretends to cry, ‘Come on! ANYTHING!’

‘Why not talk about how unhappy I made Immy,’ Ozzy chips in bitterly and Blake looks like she’s about to cry.

She places her cutlery down into her bowl and shakes her head. ‘Oscar Hawthrope, don’t you dare ruin this dinner. I am trying so hard here and you are not making this any easier. Grow some fucking balls and move on. You can’t keep battling her, she’s not going to get back with you, especially if you are like that. She needs time to just be her. Why won’t you let her have that?’

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