9. Guilty Feelings

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I’m woken by Ozzy dressing by the side of my bed. Rubbing at my eyes, I open them slowly and watch as he slips his jeans up over his hairy legs and back over a fresh pair of boxers. Good job I didn’t wake up a few minutes earlier and caught him changing into them. He turns around at he does the flies up and smiles at me. He’s already dressed in a plain green t-shirt, different from yesterday and I watch him as he chucks his clothes into the pink washing basket at the side of my room.

‘Morning sunshine,’ he whispers softly, spotting that my eyes are open and I’m near enough awake.

‘Are you going?’ I question, yawning slightly as I pull the duvet around my body.

He nods, not looking at me as he searches around my room for something. ‘Sure am. I’ve got a lesson at 9, though I’d much rather be here with you.’ He shoots me a wink when he says this. ‘What time are you free?’

I shrug at him. ‘I don’t know, I’ve got my counselling session this morning, so when that’s over, I guess?’

He sits on the edge of my bed and takes my hand, squeezing it gently. ‘Let me know how it goes, yeah?’ I nod and move a little closer to Ozzy to give him a hug goodbye, but I know he’s close to do something else, so I put my finger on his lips and move my head back. He quirks an eyebrow up and I cover my mouth. ‘I don’t want my first kiss to be remembered with smelly morning breath, especially after all that garlic bread you had last night.’

Ozzy laughs aloud and rolls his eyes, grinning at me. ‘Ruin the moment, stinky.’ Instead, Ozzy kisses simply my forehead, before grabbing his phone and wallet and going to his lesson. ‘Catch ya later.’

Reluctantly, I get up not long after him and check what time my counselling session is. Foolishly, however, I have no idea where this room is. How anyone finds their way around the campus is a mystery.

Throwing on one of Ozzy’s jumpers, which goes just below my bum, I head into the kitchen and hope someone is still around, but it seems like the coast is clear. I look at the kitchen clock and see its gone 9am now, so if people have lessons, they’ve already gone. Cautiously, I knock on Blake’s door, hoping she’s still around, and to my relief, she opens the door wide.

‘Mm?’ She questions, dragging her dressing gown over her body.

‘Can you help me find the room for my counselling session? I forgot to ask Ozzy to help me find it.’

 She nods her head, yawning as she says, ‘Let me get dressed and have some breakfast, and then I’ll take you there.’

Beaming, I thank her, but not before she asks, ‘How did last night go?’

I turn around to see her, as I respond predictably, ‘We didn’t kiss. He wanted to kiss me this morning, but morning breath is not how I want to remember my first kiss.’

‘So you are feeling attracted to him?’

I twist my lips and admit, ‘I do find him attractive, he’s gorgeous, but I still need to find the real Ozzy though. I know he’s holding back from me still. Don’t you think?’

She ponders this, scratching her head deep in thought before saying, ‘Well I’ve not seen you much together, so I can’t say. But it’ll happen. Trust me.’

After getting dressed and having a chilled breakfast with Blake, she leads me off to the counselling room. Today is a rather warm day and both of us have taken advantage of wearing bright and colourful clothes: Blake in a maxi dress and wedges, whilst I’ve decided to wear shorts and a collared shirt and sandals. On the way up the several flights of stairs, I spot a familiar face I recognise. I smile warmly as Leon comes down the stairs towards me. 

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