I'm Sorry

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Lex stands tired as he**, next to Laurent on her shift. At least Laurent's fun to hang out with. He's really sweet, and as it turns out is also from Québec. They get along super well," Hey, do you wanna go get some ice cream after this?" Laurent asks.

"Yeah, sounds great," she nods.

Once her shift ends, she quickly changes back into her black tee and blue jeans. She follows Laurent back to his car, and hops in beside him. They chat the whole way.

"Here, we are," he runs out, and pulls the door out open for her.

"Thanks," she follows him inside.

"What do you want?" Laurent asks Lex.

"I'll get chocolate," Lex tells him.

Laurent orders two cones with chocolate scoops. He insists on paying of course, and who is Lex to deny free ice cream? No one should ever do that (unless it's from a strange unknown person on the street, or anywhere else for that matter. Then REFUSE!).They sit at a booth with a window.

"You have some here," Laurent gestures to his own lip.

Lex attempts to take it off, but she's not getting it at all. Laurent leans over the table, and wipes the chocolate off her mouth.

"Oh, um thanks," Lex blushes awkwardly, as Laurent sits back down.

She doesn't notice the familiar figure, turn back around with slumped shoulders, and head back in the way he came.

"Hey, thanks for the ice cream," Lex tells Laurent as he walks her to the door.

"Oh, it's no problem. My treat," he tells her, as they reach the door.

"You, also didn't have to walk me to the door," Lex says.

"I wanted to," he leans down and wraps his arms around Lex. She hugs him back. They're interrupted by a cough. Jai stands at the door, his arms crossed, a scowl on his face.

Lex pulls away," Bye Laurent, see you tomorrow," Lex tells him, heading inside.

"What the he*l was that, Lex?!" Jai yells as soon as the door is closed," Oh, wait I know what it is, I saw you two earlier at the ice cream place, you like!"

"We just went as friends, Jai," Lex tells him.

"Yeah, right," Jai rolls his eyes.

"It's the truth, Jai! What do you think happened?!"

"It's not what I think, it's what I saw!"

"What'd you see, Jai?" Lex calms her voice.

"You were sitting at the ice cream place, and he leaned over and-"

"Jai, I had something on my lip, and he was just taking it of, because I couldn't. I love you, Jai, and only you," Lax reaches over and places a hand against Jai's cheek.

"Ok, I trust you," Jai leans into her touch.

He leans down and presses his lips against hers.

Lana opens the door, physically drained from work that day. Botox B*tch had stopped by again. She really needed to get her to leave her alone. Lana heads up the stairs, and takes a long warm shower. She has a doctor's appointment, later, and she doesn't want to smell like wet dog for it.

Once finished, she finds Daniel sitting on the couch watching T.V. She hops on his lap," Hi."

"Hey, how was work?" Daniel asks.

"It was alright, same as usual, I guess," Lana leans back into Daniel, and he wraps his muscular arms around her.

"I missed you," Daniel kisses softly up her neck.

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