Locked In

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Atta screams as the coldness hits her. She tumbles and falls off the bed. She looks up to see Neal with an empty bucket in hand,"Really?! C'mon dude," she lays back as feet come rushing up the stairs,"What's going on?" Luke opens the door.

"Neal was being a jack*** again," Atta whines.

Neal leaves, locking the door behind him," Hi," Luke sits down next to her. It's been about two weeks since Jai and Lex started dating, and Luke is finding their PDA, to be drawing him more and more to the short brunette, who still seems wrapped up in her dead ex.

"Hey," she smiles at him. She tries to ignore her beating heart, and sits up, leaning back against her bed.

Atta sighs," I guess he wants us to talk," Atta states.

"We all do!" a voice calls from the other side of the door, resembling Beau's. He's quickly shushed.

Luke's wearing a white, yellow sleeved baseball tee, and black ripped skinny jeans. Yellow is Atta's favourite colour.

Luke can't help but look at her. Her dark curls messy, black tee and blue shorts soaked.

"So, what's it like, where you're from?" he asks.

"It's a lot colder, it never gets this warm. To be honest, I can't stand the heat. I didn't want to come at first, but I had to get a change of scenery, after what happened to Chandler. There's also a language difference. We speak French, in Quebec," Atta explains.

"I'm really sorry. I hear he was great," he says looking in her dark eyes.

"Yeah, he really was. But, he's gone now, and as much as it hurts, it's the truth."

Luke looks around. He spots an IPhone on a dock, and goes and hits play. Brooklyn's Here from Disney's Newsies, surprises him," What's this?" he laughs.

"Best musical ever, based on my favourite movie.  It helped me get over my parents..." she trails off.


"The reason Neal had to come home, was that our parents died in a car crash. I lived with our grandma, until he got back. We stayed for a little bit, and then we went off and lived on our own," Atta explains.

"Well then, come on," he holds out his hand and Atta takes a hold of it, and they start dancing.

The song ends, and Marianas Trench's This Means War, comes on," This is my jam," Atta starts dancing, and Luke can't help but laugh. He quickly joins in her silly antics.

Luke goes back to the phone once the song is over, Luke hits play on Paramore's The Only Exception. Luke takes hold of Atta's hand and pulls her close, arms around her waist, hers around his neck," I don't understand, Luke," she tells him.

"What do you mean?" they sway.

"How, I'm feeling. It feels so wrong. I feel like I'm drowning," she tells him honestly.

"Why?" his eyes never leaving hers.

"I don't want to dishonour him," she whispers.

"I think the only way you can do that is by letting it stop you from living your life," his face inches closer.

"He did say, he wanted me to move on," she follows Luke's lead.

"I think you should listen to him, then," he closes the space.

Atta puts in all the emotion she's been feeling in the past while. Her hands rest flat against Luke's cheeks.

She pulls away, and they rest their foreheads against each other.
"How about some movies?" Luke asks figuring the door won't be opened soon.

"Sure. They're right over there, we can watch them on my laptop. I'm just gonna go get changed, Atta heads off. Luke heads over to one of the massive bookshelves. He scrolls through the titles, picking out a few, he thinks they'll both enjoy. Atta comes back hair in a high ponytail, jean shorts, a baggy Gryffindor t-shirt, on. She settles next to Luke, where he's sitting on the turquoise seat. They lean back against the window. Luke shows her the movies," I can't believe you picked these. I figured you'd just pick action flicks," Atta looks at the movies.

"I figured we'd watch Newsies first," he holds up the box.

"Just a warning, it's a musical with lots of teenage boys, dancing and singing," Atta warns.

"I want to see it. You love it so, it's got to be a little good," he tells her, his brown eyes warm.

"Ok," Atta pops in the disk.

As soon as the prologue rolls around, Atta is lost in it, as always. Drinking it in, her eyes never leaving the screen, as if it's a rare gem. Luke can't help but stare at Atta. He leans back on his arms, one resting behind Atta.

The movie ends, and Luke can't say he loved it, but he can see the beauty, and small moments, which made Atta fall in love with it," What's next?" Atta asks, when the credits roll.

"The Outsiders," Luke holds up the beat up box.

"Just a warning, this one brings waterworks. It's also my favourite book, turned into a movie. Another favourite," Atta tells him, he pops it in. This time, Atta leans back against his chest, his left arm snakes its way around her waist. Luke leans against the window.

At the end of the movie, Luke feels his shirt start to dampen. Atta's face is buried in his shirt. His arms wrap around her waist he softly strokes her head. Atta laughs. She pulls away, and wipes away her tears," I get too attached to fictional characters."

"I think it's cute," he tells her.

Atta smiles, softly,"You're sweet, Lukey," Atta laughs, standing, sticking her tongue out.

"You're gonna get it, Matata," Luke starts chasing after her around the room.

Luke eventually catches up to her. Luke grabs her waist and they crash to the ground.

"Ooph," Luke lets out, as Atta falls on him.

"Sorry," before Atta can get up, Luke's hands are at her sides, tickling her.

"Seriously stop," Atta lets out, legs flailing.

"Nope," Luke keeps going at it.

Atta manages to reach up and press her lips to his. His arms quickly drop and rest on the floor, on both sides of her head.

Luke pulls away," I'll stop now," he agrees, and helps Atta up.

They sit back on the bench. Atta between Luke's legs, her back to his chest. They talk about random things. Just getting to know each other better.

"I've had fun, today," Luke tells her.

"Yeah, me too," Atta leans back, into Luke's chest.

"And, this last while, I've grown, to really like you Atta," Luke plays with her hand.

"Yeah, me too, Luke," Atta agrees.

"I know this is really forwards, and I get if you want to go slow, but I was hoping maybe, you'd be mine?" Luke asks hopefully.

"I'm tired of denying myself, yes I will," Atta leans up and captures Luke's lips, a hand coming to rest on his cheek.

A cough breaks them apart," So, I guess our plan worked then," Jai and Lex fist bump.

Atta blushes and hides her face in her hands, Luke's laugh, making his chest vibrate, which Atta feels through her back.

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