What the He**?

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Luke sits with Atta in his arms. The group is sitting all over the room, as they're now allowed to be more than one in the room. Atta snuggles further into his arms. She breathes in his scent, thankful she's there in his arms.

"I love you," he whispers softly.

"I love you too, Luke," Atta says into his chest.

"I'm so sorry," he tells her.

Atta looks up," Why?"

"It was my fault."

Atta sighs," You are such a cliché, Luke Brooks. No way in he** was this your fault, you Blonde Dork," Atta states, seriously.

"Okay," he smiles and leans down, pressing a kiss to her nose.

Lana stands. She hurries out of the room. How can Neal be doing this?! She wishes she could talk him out of it,but, he's stubborn, and will only do things his way, which will be taking Atta back to Québec. Sometimes, Neal's a real pain in the a**.

"Hey, hey. Wait up," Daniel rushes after her.

"What?" Lana turns around.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong," Lana tells him.

Daniel gives her a look," Really? Nothing's wrong? That's why you came back from your phone call, you were pale, nothing?" Daniel asks skeptical.

"It's my skin tone, Daniel. No need to be mean," Lana attempts to cover up.

"Haha. That's not what I meant, and we both know it. Now, what's actually the matter?" Daniel asks.

Lana pulls him further down the hall, to make sure no one overhears," The reason that Neal and his grandma are coming, is to take Atta back," Lana tells Daniel.

His eyes widen," But, Luke-"

"I know, and we can't do anything about it. Neal won't let her stay, especially with Luke. He thinks it's Luke's fault Atta got taken," Lana explains to Daniel.

"C'mere," Daniel pulls Lana in. His arms wrap around her.

He presses a kiss to her head," We'll figure something out."

Jai smiles down at Lex who's asleep in his arms. He lets out a soft chuckle, at the little noises coming out of Lex's mouth. He thinks it's adorable. He's really happy that those two a**holes who tried to take Atta and Lex, didn't realize there were security cameras in the grocery store.

The opens and a police officer slips in," Do we have to do this now?" Luke asks.

"It's okay, Luke," Atta tells him.

"Could you recount everything that happened?" she asks Atta.

"Okay. Um, only one of them was interested in me, his name's Ree. The other one: Brean wanted Lex. When I first woke up after being knocked out, Ree started kissing my neck and his hand went up my dress, but I told him I was on my period, so he didn't do anything. He liked to hit me, but his favourite way of beating me was using his knife. Other times he'd talk to me. He'd force make out with me, as Brean wouldn't let him do anything more until he got Lex. Brean didn't really interact with me much, he talked to me once or twice. He hit me a few times when I said something wrong," Atta takes a breath, playing with her hands, Luke's arms tighten around her," They also watched while I showered, they said it was to make sure I didn't escape. After, I had to put on a different version of the same dress, the one I had when they took me," Atta tells the police officer.

"What about when you were found?" the police officer asks.

"He was drunk, and he came to get me. He said since Brean had Lex, he could finally have his way with me. He'd ripped off my dress when-" Atta's voice breaks.

"Thank you, that's all I need for now," the police officer leaves.

"Shhhh," Luke wraps Atta tighter in his embrace.

Atta sobs softly into his chest. Luke feels his own eyes burning.

Atta feels another hand rubbing circles on her back," If I knew, I would've stopped him," Lex says.

"It-It's n-not your f-fault," Atta say through sobs.

"Still, if they had taken me in the first place," Lana says

"They wanted us three, Lana," Lex turns," They would've taken us three. It's not your fault," Lex hugs Lana.

Atta blinks her eyes open. The room seems to be fully empty, except for her and Luke.

"Good Morning, Cutie," Luke whispers, his voice husky, from sleep.

"You know you're morning voice is very atractive, right?"

"Well, duh," Luke kisses her forehead.

"And, that's why you're still a Blonde Dork," Atta tells him.

"Yeah, well, I'm your Blonde Dork," Luke states.

"And, you better never forget it," Atta reaches up and kisses him.

"I don't, ever want to forget it, Atta," his eyes are full of pain, and a single tear drips down his cheek.

"Hey. Hey," Atta wipes it away with her thumb.

Luke smiles. He reaches into his pocket, and takes out his phone. He plays their song.

"This song always plays when something important is happening in our lives. Positive or negative," he tells her.

"What is it Luke?" Atta's eyebrows furrow.

"So, I meant to do this a while ago, but then you got taken away from me, so I couldn't," Luke takes something else out of his pocket, wrapping his arms back around Atta.

Atta looks down, and picks up the box. She opens it," Is this what I think it is?"

"I'm ready, he** I was ready three months ago, to take the next step with you. Will you, please-"

"Luke, GET THE HE** OUT!" Neal's voice booms with the ending of the song.

"Wait, what?" Atta asks.

"You heard me! Luke, get out. I don't ever want to see you around my sister, again!" Neal points at the door.

"I'm an a adult. And, I don't want him to leave," Atta narrows her eyes.

"Well, you're not fit to make decisions. So he," Neal points to Luke," Is gone," he points back at the door.

"What the he** Neal?!" Atta makes no move of moving from Luke's arms.

"I thought he was just rebound from Chandler. How stupid are you, Mimi?!" Neal uses the nickname her family uses with her, condescendingly.

"Okay, look, Atta is not stupid. Say whatever the he** you want about me, but don't go being mean to her," Luke says.

"And what gives you the right? You got Atta in trouble in the first place. Which is why, I'm taking you home, and you will never see Luke again!"

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