Obstacle Course

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Lex wakes up to Jai's arms. She smiles and snuggles back into them," Good morning, sleeping beauty," Jai whispers into her ear.

"Morning," Lex sits up, and looks at the time," I have to go, I'll see you later," she presses a kiss to his lips, and he walks her to the door.

Lex walks home a smile on her tanned face. She opens the door to the house and heads upstairs to go get ready for the challenge. Lana and Atta sit waiting for her, to head over to the Janoskians house.

They walk over, pretty much in silence, each deep in thought. Once they reach the house Lana hurries to corner Daniel," We need to talk," he nods and, leads her to a secluded spot," Daniel I broke up with Jack."

"I know," he tells her.

Her eyebrows furrow," You know? Then why are you not talking to me?"

"You're getting a lot of hate from the fans, already," he answers," I didn't want you to have anymore."

"I don't care about the haters," and with a sudden rush of confidence, she didn't know she had, she pulls Daniel by the shirt and kisses him, hard, " How about I take you out, tomorrow?"

"Ok," she answers. They go back to the others.

Luke sets up the camera," Hey guys we're the Janoskians."

"And, we're MLA."

"Today, we're doing an obstacle course. So basically, two people will be tied at the ankle with duct tape, and will have to hop down the hill on their tied leg, then they'll have to roll, on a desk chair, all the way to there, where they will have to hopscotch. Then, they'll have to swim across the pool, run back to the hill, and hop all the way up in potato sacks. Whichever team reaches the top and udos the tape first wins," Beau explains," Now, we're gonna pick the teams with this hat," He shows the hat.

Daniel got Lana, Jai got Lex, Luke got James, who then switched with Beau to be with Atta.

They climbed to the top and tied themselves," Okay, ready? GO!" Beau said, and he and James face planted and started to roll down the hill.

Atta and Luke hopped at the same time, and got down easily. They were so in sync they managed to reach the pool before Jai and Lex reached the hopscotch, and Daniel and Lana the chairs, and James and Beau kept having to restart.

"Okay one two," Luke started, as they hoped in. They moved their outside arm and leg at the same time. Luke helped Atta get out," Go, go," Atta told him as Jai and Lex started to gain on them. They ran back to the hill, and got into the potato sac. Jai and Lex, and Daniel and Lana also in their potato sacks.

Luke and Atta hopped, at the same time. They paused halfway up. Beau and James had just reached the hill. Jai and Lex kept rolling back down, and Lana and Daniel couldn't get up the hill. They reached the top of the hill first and ripped off the tape. Luke picked Atta up and spun her around before slamming his lips against Atta's arms around her waist. When he pulled away her eyes were full of surprise, and she left. She just walked away, and all the way home.


Beau ends the video," What happened?" he asks his brother.

"I kissed her, and she walked away," Luke answers.

Lana and Lex share a look," We should probably explain," Lex says.

They sit in the living room," So Atta was in a really serious relationship before, his name was Chandler," Lex says.

"Wait didn't that actor die, about a year ago, his name was Chandler something?" James asks.

"Yeah, that's him. They were together for three years, and they really loved each other. He got her name tattooed over his heart when he turned 18, and Atta was going to do the same. He gave her Bumlets. Anyways, so, they were going to go to dinner, but he got hit by a truck, on his way there. He died about a week later. He died with Atta in his arms, and she's never been the same," Lana explains.

"Wow," Luke says, realising his mistake.

"It's not that she doesn't like you, Luke, it's just she doesn't think she's ready to move on," Lana says.


Atta sits, the camera in front of her as she lets all of her feelings out through it.


"How would you feel about our date being now?" Daniel asks Lana.

"Right now?"


"Okay," he leads her out, and into the car. They drive, chatting away," So you have two moms?"

"Yeah. I never met my father. One of my mom's had me," Lana explains, the wind blowing through her hair, from the open window. A smile on her face. She watches as the beach comes into view.

She hops out when the beach comes into view, and runs out of the car. She takes off, stripping off her shoes and socks. Daniel walks after her. He takes his shoes off, and puts his feet into the water. Lana, then pushes him, so he flops into the water. She starts laughing, but he then pulls her by the ankle causing her to fall.


A knock sounds through the house, and Lex raises to go and get it, having left the Janoskians' house a couple of hours earlier. Neal stands there ( pale, blue eyed, brown roots, light blonde hair)," Hey, Lex," his surprising Irish accent, as he spent most of his childhood attending boarding school there.

"She's upstairs in her room," Lex steps aside, and hurries back to her Larry writing.

Neal climbs the stairs, and slides the door open to find his baby sister crying," Hi, Matata," he calls her by her full name.

"Hi, Neal," she sits up, as his arm, comes to wrap around her.

"So what's up?" he asks, noticing the picture clutched in her hand.

"So, there's this guy, Luke-"

"Tell me his adress so I can go teach him a lesson," he starts to get up.

"No, Neal it's not like that. He didn't do anything wrong," Neal sits back down.

"I think I like him, and he kissed me earlier. But I miss, Chandler so much. It feels wrong, yet I find myself wanting it," she sobs, and he pulls her to him pressing a kiss to her head.

"I know this sounds corny, and you hate corny, but you should follow your heart," he tells her.

She nods.

Lex sits having just finished her chapter, and looks on her phone to find that Jai just texted her: Hey, hope your doing well. I just wanted to see if you'd like to go to the mall with me tomorrow, maybe?

She sends, a short and sweet yes, and turns on the T.V. she goes and makes a mug of hot chocolate and sits back down, Homie, having since decided to lay her fairly large body on its back across Lex's lap. She's snoring away by now. Lex picks up her sketch pad and starts to draw, aimlessly, the T.V. and Homie's snoring being her soundtrack.


Lana and Daniel walk under the pier hand-in-hand," I don't want to make this public just yet," Daniel tells Lana.

She agrees," Our secret," she leans up and kisses him for a second time that day.

"We should probably get going, it's getting late," Daniel tells Lana, referring to the night sky.

She nods, and they head back to the car, hand-in-hand. Once they reach the car, Daniel opens the trunk and pulls out two towels," We keep some just in case we do pranks and get wet," he hands one to her, and she dries off, best she can, and puts the towel, on the seat, before sitting. Daniel does the same, and they're off.

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