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Luke sits back against his pillows," You were really gonna do it, huh?"

"I was ready for the next step," Luke tells his younger brother.

Jai comes to sit next to Luke. He wraps an arm around him, and lets him sob into his shoulder.

Lex and Lana come home the house silent. The Janoskians have gone on a sort of hiatus, Luke having trouble just getting out of bed in the morning. So, it's been pretty quiet lately," I'm gonna go home, take care of the dogs," Lana tells Lex.

"Yeah, yeah," Lex nods.

She heads up the stairs to be met by Jai coming out of Luke's room quietly,"He's passed out," Jai tells her, leading her back down the stairs.

Jai settles Lex on his lap," So, how's Luke?"

"Not so good," Jai tells her," He showed me a ring, Lex."

Lex pulls away slightly, her eyes widening," You mean, that type of ring?"

Jai nods," He was gonna do it the next morning," Jai tells Lex.

"Oh," Lex buries her face into Jai's chest, his arms wrapping tighter around her


"You know, it's been about three months now," Brean tells Atta, from across the room.

"No, I wouldn't know. There's no way of telling," Atta states.

"You don't have to be able to tell," the brunette tears up the side of her dress slowly, with his beloved knife.

"Not yet! Not until we have Lex!" Brean states.

"I know, just having a little fun is all," the brunette states, pushing his lips against hers.

Atta doesn't cry when he kisses her anymore. Which makes him push the limits even further, so she does. It gives him pleasure.

The brunette lets her go. She slumps against the wall, and he shoves a tray at her," After, you're going to go take a shower, and change into another dress."

Showers are the worst . They stand there and stare, while she showers. Then she has to change into a new version of the exact dress she was wearing when they took her.

"I remember you in high school. The shy, smart, fangirl," Brean sits in front of her.

"I was never mean to you. When the others laughed at you, I always defended you, Brean," Atta says, eating her food.

"I know. I remember. Remember little Kyle. Even the little jack*ss thought you were nice. But, that was all an act wasn't it," his eyes narrow violently.

"What're you talking about?"

"Oh, you know. You, Lex, and Lana, had us all fooled. The shy, smart, fangirls. But, then you run off with them. The guys your parents warn you about. The bad type of guys," Brean stands.

"Get up!" he pulls her up by the arm roughly, dragging her to the shower.

Luke sits, his eyes unmoving.

"Seriously, Luke?!" Lana exclaims walking into the house, seeing him laying in the exact position he'd been for a week.

"What?!" he calls back.

"You are not the only one who's hurting, so stop pretending that you are!" Lana storms off, to meet up with Daniel.

It's decided they're going to do groceries. Lex, Lana, Beau, Daniel and Jai.

James has a date.

James heads to meet where the girl he's been messaging online for the past month or so, told him to. He opens the door to the restaurant," Cady," he tells the hostess.

"Right this way," the hostess leads him to the table. He sees her long blonde hair, before her face. He's shocked when he does," Marcy?" he hisses.

"Hi, Jamey," she tells him, gesturing to the seat in front of her.

James sits," You changed your hair," he points it out.

"I know. Hey, I wanted to say, I'm really sorry, about when I kissed Luke. I was drunk, and stupid, and I'm sorry," Marcy reaches over, and places her hand on his.

And just like that, with her eyes pouring into his, and her hand causing shockwaves throughout him, he's back within her clutches.

The group walks down the aisle of the grocery store," I'll go get the bread. Be right back," Lex tells them heading off.

She walks away from the group, and turns into another aisle, When an arm grabs her waist from behind," Hey, Lex," and she sees black.

Lex opens her eyes slowly. She sees a figure sitting next to her," hello?"

"Shhh, if you're still knocked out, they can't hurt you," Atta tells her softly. Lex closes her eyes and pretends to still be knocked out.

"We weren't careful this time," the brunette tells Brean.

"Who cares? I finally have my Lexi. We'll move if they get close," Brean approaches Lex. He softly caresses her cheek. Lex just mentally pictures Jai.

Brean stands back," We finally get our happily ever after, Ree," he tells the brunette.

"You really are delusional," Atta states.

"Did we tell you to speak?!" Brean backhand slaps her across the face.

Atta falls back.

"Oh my God," Jai sits head between his legs.

"They took Lex. They took my Lex," Jai freaks.

"Jai, look ok, calm down," Beau tells him.

"DO NOT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! They took my Lex. I love her so much," Jai collapses in sobs against Beau.

Lana stands back," This is my fault. If they'd taken me at the club, and that guy wasn't in jail, maybe they would've left Atta and Lex alone."

"This isn't your fault Lana," Daniel tells her, attempting to wrap his arms around Lana.

Lana shrugs him off, and runs outside.

"Lana, get back here!" Daniel yells, chasing after her.

Daniel eventually catches up to her.He wraps his arms around her, as she tries to get away," Let me go! Let me go!"

"No. I am not letting you go," Daniel tells Lana

"It's my fault Daniel. It's my fault my friends were taken," Lana stops fighting against him.

"It's not your fault, Lana," Daniel rests his forehead against hers," And, I am not letting you go. Ever. I'm not gonna let you go off running, when there's maniacs kidnapping our friends, okay?"

"Okay. I love you, Bacon."

"I love you too, Pancake," Daniel leans down and presses his lips to hers.

Atta lays down, on the cold hard floor, hoping to get some sleep, when an arm comes to wrap around her.

"Lex's here now. So, I get my way with you," Atta can smell the alcohol on his breath.

"No! NO!," Atta attempts to pull herself out of his grasp, but he's not letting go. He hoists her up into his arms. She fights against him, but he won't budge.

He leads her out of the room, and down a long dirty corridor with blinking lights. He stops in front of one of the doors, and pushes it open, to reveal an empty, dirty looking room, with only a mattress in one corner. He throws Atta onto it.

"No! STOP!" Atta screams, fighting against him, hot tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Fighting, just makes me want you more," he kisses her all the way up her neck to her lips.

Once he reaches her lips, he tears her dress off," Please somebody help me," Atta lets out hopelessly.

And suddenly, the door bursts open.

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