Why Can't There Be Happy Endings?

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"Luke! We have to get to the hospital!" Beau bursts into his room.

"Why?" Luke's eyes stare blankly at him.

"They found Lex and Atta, alive,"Luke hurriedly follows his brother out of the door and out to his car. The ride is silent.

They all rush out of the car when they've reached the hospital," We're here for Alexy Dupont and, Matata De L'ile," Lana tells the receptionist.

"Ms. Dupont's right through there," the receptionist points behind her," But, I'm afraid you can't see Ms. De L'ile yet," the receptionist tells them a sad look on her face.

The group heads through the door the receptionist pointed to. A police officer passes them on their way in. Lex sits a little bit scratched and bruised.

Jai's heart stops when he sees her. It's been what, two days? Yet, it feels like a lifetime to Jai.

Jai stays back as the group greets her. She says she's not very hurt. That she doesn't have any major damage.

Once the whole group has trickled out, Jai steps forwards. Tears prickle his eyes. He attempts to clear the knot in his throat," Lex," he rushes forwards, and presses his lips to hers in a passionate kiss to her lips, wrapping her up in his arms.

By the time he pulls away, tears are flowing down his cheeks, and tears flow down Lex's," I love you so much babe. It physically hurt when you were gone. Did they hurt you?" Jai pulls away to look her over.

"No. Atta told me to pretend I was still knocked out from whatever they used to knock me out, that way they wouldn't hurt me. The doctor cleared me," Lex tells Jai, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Good. Good," Jai kisses her head.

"I love you too Jai."

After a couple of more minutes, the couple go out of the room," Let's go find Atta then," Lex stated Jai's arm wrapped around her.

"Okay," Luke's eyes are filled with a mixture of pain and hope.

They head back to the receptionists desk. She tells them where to find them, and they follow her directions.

They arrive, only one can go in at a time, but the wall facing the hallway is windowed. They can see her. Her face is all cut up, and half of it is bruised.

Luke staggers backwards into Beau," She's alive. She's alive," he grasps to Beau for dear life.

"I'll go ahead and call Neal," Lana excuses herself.

"Luke, you should go first," Lex tells him.

He doesn't need to be told a second time. He practically runs into the room. He grasps Atta's hand, breaking down.

His sobs overcome the room," I was so scared, Cutie," Luke calls her by her pet name," I was so scared, I was never gonna get to tell you how much I love you. That I would never hear you call me, your Blonde Dork-" his voice cracks.

" I love you so, so, much," Luke presses kisses to her hand.

Luke manages to pull himself away from Atta, to give the others some time with her.

Luke head off to grab a coffee. He takes his phone. One missed call. She picks up on the first ring," Hello?"

"Hey, mum. They found them. They're alive. She's okay mum," he tells her.

"That's such a relief, Luke. I called earlier to tell you, I just got to the airport. Beau's coming to pick me up," she tells him. The boys had asked Gina to come down when Lex had gone missing, as now both twins were going crazy.

Luke finishes the phone call, and heads back to the group. His Atta's back. He feels like he's walking on clouds. How could this possibly go wrong? He hopes that it doesn't at least, he thinks as he sits.

Lana comes back to the group, pale faced," So, I just got off the phone with Neal. He and their grandma are gonna be there, around 12 tomorrow," Lana tells them. She sits down in between Lex and Daniel.

Daniel notices her face, but doesn't say anything, not wanting to push it.He just takes her hand and smiles reassuringly.

Lana fakes a smile.

Lex sits on Jai's lap," I missed you so much," Lex kisses his lips.

"Yeah, I'm so happy to have you back," Jai presses a kiss to her forehead.

Beau appears, leading Gina behind him. Lex quickly hops off Jai's lap," Hey, mum," Jai gets up, and hugs and kisses his mom.

"Hi," Lex greats.

Gina embraces her," I'm glad you're okay, Lex," she says when she's pulled away.

"Thank you," Lex responds. Jai's arm snakes itself around Lex's waist.

Gina looks around," He's in there," Beau points to Luke through the window.

Gina nods, before going into the room. No one objects. The group watches as Gina greets Luke. They hug and kiss, before Luke turns to his previous position, of sitting on one of the uncomfortable cold hard hospital chairs, and grasping Atta's hand. Gina comes back out, and sits with the group.

"Hey, Lana, will you come get a coffee with me?" Lex asks.

"Yeah, sure," Lana follows Lex.

"What'd Neal say," Lex asks, not beating around the bush.

"Well, he and their grandma are coming. But, they're not coming to see her. They're taking her back, Lex," Lana presses the button on the coffee maker.

"But, she's an adult, they can't do that," Lex says.

"Well, since, Atta's in the hospital, and 'unfit' to make decisions for herself, and Neal's her closest family member, he gets to decide what to do with her," Lana takes the steaming cup, and pours milk and sugar into the cup.

"He can't separate her and Luke up now. It would ruin them both. He was getting ready to propose."

"Wait, what," Lana stops her stirring.

"Yeah. Luke was going to ask her the morning after she got taken," Lex prepares her own coffee cup.

"Yeah, well, Neal thinks this is why she got taken. He won't see it any other way than his own. He's already over protective, but now that this happened he won't let her out of his sight."

"This sucks, and we can't do anything about it," Lex sighs, and they head back.

Atta smells his breath," Fighting just makes me want you more."

"NO! STOP! Get off of me!"

"Atta, Atta calm down, it's just me," a voice calls to her.

"No, stop."

"Atta, it's me, Luke," Atta opens her eyes.

She let's out a sob, and Luke's arms wrap around her. She just sobs louder.

She grips onto his shirt," Luke. Luke."

He kisses her forehead tenderly," It's me, Atta. You're safe. He's never gonna touch you again, it was just a nightmare," Luke reassures her.

"Luke, I love you. You're what kept me going," Atta looks up at him.

"I love you too, so much," Luke leans down and kisses her lips softly.

Atta pulls away, and buries herself further into Luke's arms. She closes her eyes softly, feeling reassured that Luke's there.

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