Satan's Span Returns, Returns

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It's been about a week since Luke was put in the hospital, and Atta's only come out of her room for food. Luke still hasn't seen her. He's still thinking of a way to get her to come.

"Don't think too hard, you'll hurt yourself," Jai tells his twin brother.
"Haha. I'm just thinking about how to get Atta back. I think I really messed up, and, I can't make a grand gesture like you did, when I'm stuck in a hospital bed," Like says.
"Try going simple. Not everyone needs grand gestures, Luke," Jai states.

Lana sits against Daniel," you say it like this," Lana tries to explain to Daniel how to say a word in French, but he's just not getting it.
Lana laughs.
"Ey! Stop laughing at me!" Daniel exclaims. His hands go to Lana's sides, and he starts ticking her.
Lana writhes in his arms," Please," she begs.
"For a kiss, maybe I'll consider it, for a kiss."
"Okay! Okay!" Daniel stops.
Lana reaches up and kisses his cheek, before running away," Haha," she calls.
"Hey, that's not fair," Daniel calls, chasing after her.
"Life's not fair, Skip," Lana calls back.
Daniel catches up, and gathers her in his arms," C'mon," Daniel says.
"Okay, fine," Lana gives in, kissing his lips softly.

Lex sits in the waiting room, scrolling through her phone. Things are good between her and Jai, which is great.
"Um, where's Jai?" Satan's Spawn always seems to want to appear whenever Lex is finally happy.
"I don't know if you knew, but his twin brother almost died, so he's in there with him," Lex gestures to the room door.
"Do you think, he could see me?" she asks.
"Um, no. What don't you get?! I'm his girlfriend, your the ex. This means, you were stupid and let him go, and now he's mine," Lex tells her in lame-o terms.
"Could you just tell him, I had a great time the other night?" Ariana asks her.
"You mean, when you broke into his house, and assaulted him?" Lex asks, her eyes saying," Are you for real right now?"
Ariana doesn't seem to get the memo," I wouldn't put it that way."
"I don't care what you think, Ariana," Lex states.
Ariana's face morphs into a look of hurt," Well, that was rude."
Lex's eyes are burning with fury," Are you fu**ing kidding me?! I have every right to be upset with you. First you come after me, then you attempt to break up my friends relationship, and then you assault my boyfriend, and you say I'm the rude one?! You need to leave like, now," Lex exclaims.
"Okay, fine," Ariana hurries away.

Beau appears, he looks back at Ariana's retreating form, questionably. He holds out a cup of coffee to Lex. She takes it, and thanks him.
"So, what was all that about?" Beau sits and Lex follows his lead.
"Oh, nothing, just getting rid of the trash," Lex brushes off, taking a sip of coffee.
"I see," Beau says.

"Hey, Atta!" James calls opening the door to her room.
"What?!" she turns, pulling off her headphones.
"C'mon, get dressed, we're going somewhere," he tells her.

"No," she puts her headphones back on, and goes back to her keyboard tapping.

"C'mon, Atta, please?" James begs her.
Atta looks up at him, face blank," Okay fine. Just let me get ready," James walks out of the room, ready for the next phase of the plan.
Atta pulls her baggy Captain America sweater tighter around herself. She didn't put much effort into her clothing. Just a baggy sweater, tee, and some light skinny jeans. James leads her out to the car, where Daniel waits in the driver's seat," Hi, Daniel?" Atta's eyebrows furrow.
"Hey,you ready?" he asks her.
"Um, yeah, I guess so," Atta states not really getting it.
The ride is pretty silent, except for the radio. It starts to play her and Luke's song: The Only Exception, on the last leg of their journey," Can you change it, please?" Atta asks Daniel.
He pretends not to hear her, and instead just keeps his eyes focused on the road.
He pulls into the hospital parking lot," No. No. No. I don't know what your plan is, but it's not going to work. He doesn't want me here, he made that pretty clear," Atta protests.
Daniel ignores her and stops the car," Who do you think put this in motion, Atta?" Daniel asks.
Atta doesn't answer. She sees Beau approach the car.

He opens her door, and takes her hand, leading her inside," What's going on, Beau?" Atta asks.
"You'll see," he tells her, pulling her along.
"But, he hates me," Atta states.
"Do you really think he hates you?" Jai appears, ushering her the last part of her journey.
"But, he won't talk to me. He doesn't want me here. So yeah, I kind of do," Atta states.
"He doesn't, trust me on this. But, if you really don't believe me, go talk to him," Jai stops at Luke's hospital room door, before heading the other way, and leaving her alone.

Atta takes a deep breath, and pushes the door open. Luke sits, a nice, white button up, and black jeans, hair combed, lip ring, nose piercing, and earrings in place. He smiles at her softly. The room is decorated with soft white lights, and their song plays softly in the background.
Atta doesn't move, her heart attempting to break out of her chest," I'm sorry for being a jack*ss. I'm sorry for being jealous of Chandler. I'm sorry for over reacting. I'm sorry for almost dying, the way everyone who's died in your life has. I'm sorry for not realizing you love me, and assuming you don't. I'm sorry for kicking you out the other day. I do want you here, I just thought you didn't. But, I know better now. I love you Atta, and I think I always will. I don't think there's anyone out there who's better for me, than you," Luke tells her. He gestures the bed, since he can't get up. Atta heads over and sits.

Luke's hand goes to her cheek," I heard what you said to me, by the way, when I wasn't awake by the way. I love you so so much. That's why I pushed you away. I thought you loved him more than me, and I couldn't deal with that," Luke explains.
"Lukey, I love you," Atta reaches up and holds his hand to her cheek.
"I know you do. It took, Lex giving me a talk, for me to realize that. I'd dance with you if I could, but," he gestures to his bed ridden body.
"That's okay, Lukey, it was my fault anyway," Atta looks down at her lap.
Like puts his hand under her chin," Hey, don't you dare. This was not your fault," his eyes pour into hers.
"I love you Lukey," Atta tells him.
" I love you too, Cutie," Luke winks at her.
"Okay, Dorky," Atta laughs. Luke leans down and kisses her.
" I love you, Cutie, so you love me even though I'm a dork?" Luke pulls Atta into his arms.
Atta cuddles his chest," I love you. You're a dork, but you're my dork," Atta kisses him, softly.
And that's the way it was. The Only Exception, playing in the background, just them too, wrapped up in each other, as if they were the only two in the world.

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