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Lana breathes in the warm air. Her bluish grey eyes shining. She soaks in the soft Los Angeles sun," We're here. We're finally here, I can't believe it," Lex states amazed, running a hand through her dyed red curls, This had been in motion for so long, she couldn't believe they were finally here.

Atta climbed out of the car, sadness ever so present on her tanned face, and so clear in her usually sparkling dark brown eyes. She was getting better, but it was still, so, so hard. She grabs a box, and heads into the house, the other two females, quickly following in suit.They walk into the entry hall, with an adjacent closet. Then, out of the entry hall, into the large open living room, one open arch leads to the kitchen, which is attached to a small dining room. Another hall leads, to a washroom, and an office, for editing, and the occasional fangirl meeting. The living room has a large television, and movie/bookshelf next to it, although still empty. The movers had set things up as instructed, a couple of days earlier. The large living space has a wall of windows, showing a beautiful green forest. A modern light bamboo staircase leads to a jutting walk way. There are three doors. Each a bedroom for the girls, and each have an adjacent bathroom.


By late afternoon, everything is put away in its rightful place," I have to call Jack," Lana hurries off and hits her boyfriend: Jack Johnson's number. He picks up quickly enough, and their cutsey conversation, makes Lex want that, and it makes Atta miss something she once had.

"I'm here if you need a shoulder," Lex tells her shorter friend, understanding in her dark brown eyes.

Atta nods," I know that. And, thank you. But, I'm finally getting better. I mean I still miss him, but I know he'd want me to move on," Atta bends down, and pets the excited, protective tiny,white teacup Pomeranian puppy," Go play with Homie and Charly," Homie being Lex's ubber calm, black Samoyed, dog, and Charly being Lana's huge, black and white, grumpy and destructive, Newfoundland dog.

The small puppy cuddles up to Atta's feet, before hurrying off to play with Homie and Charly," We need to make a video together," Lana comes back," We haven't made one in a while."

"Yeah, totally," Atta says. Lex hurries off to grab the camera, as Lana and Atta set up their new living room.

Once set up they sit," Heya guys, it's MLA, otherwise known as Oatmeal:)/ Lana. ReddyIsDrowningInARiver/ Alexy/Lex/Reddy. And, SnowyReece/Matata/ Atta, " Lana introuduces them to the camera.

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