The End... Or Just The Begining

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Lex gets up, heading over to shut off her alarm.

Jai groans," Come back to bed, babe."

"I have to go to work, Jai," Lex places a kiss on his forehead and starts getting ready.

Atta opens her eyes groaning. She hits the button to close the alarm on her phone. She attempts to remove Luke's arms from her waist," I gotta get up, Lukey," she sighs.

"Why?" he whines.

"I have a meeting with my editor, and then I need to go get some things for the wedding," Atta tells him.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fine," Luke moves his arms.

"Thanks," Atta kisses his lips, before heading off to the bathroom.

"Thanks for giving me that lift by the way," Atta thanks Lex, as she stops in front of the large office building.

"No, problem," Lex tells Atta.

Atta steps out of the car, and Lex drives to work.

Daniel opens his eyes to find Lana asleep in his arms. Her blonde hair is covering her face. He smiles, and pushes it out of her face," Good morning sleeping beauty," Daniel greets her as her eyes flutter open.

Lana's eyes widen," What time is it?!" she grabs her phone from the nightstand, and checks the time. Her heart plummets. She's way past late.

"Why would you let me sleep in?!"

"I called in sick. I figured with the drama in the last few days, you deserved a three day weekend," Daniel pulls her closer.

"You did?" Lana's eyes fill with love.

"Yep," Daniel's lips come down to hers.

"You guys have to help me," Luke begs his brothers and James," Atta's gonna kill me."

"Why didn't you do it earlier, you fu*ckin' idiot?" James asks.

"I didn't think. But, I only have three days, and mum's getting here tonight, so will you just please help me get my tux, and this list of things?" Luke asks.

"Fine, ok," Jai submits.

Lana's phone vibrates. Daniel's gone to get them some breakfast. She picks it up, a text.

hi it's Lucy Raw. I just wanted to tell you something happened between Daniel and I, the other night. I didn't feel right keeping it from you. We should meet up, to talk.

"Stupid Botox Bi*ch," Lana mutters, deleting the message. Daniel slips into the room, a breakfast tray in hand. He sets it down, and settles back into bed. Lana pushes the text to the back of her mind, instead focusing on her lovely breakfast with Daniel.

Lex curses as her car won't start. A hand taps her shoulder," Yeah?" she turns to face them.

"I was wondering if you wanted a lift home?" Laurent stands in front of her.

"Really? That'd be great," Lex locks up her car, and follows Laurent back to his. She hops in the passenger seat.

They get to the house fairly quickly, friendly banter thrown back and forth.

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