Chapter 26

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Tarah POV

I walked out of the rink. I really needed to talk to Charlie, I walked to his place and knocked on the door

"Hi Tarah, come on in" said Casey letting me in

"Is, Charlie home?"

"He just got home......Charlie, someone's here to see you!"

He comes around the corner with a smile until he saw me, his smile went away

"I'll leave you guys alone"

Casey walked out of the room and I sat with Charlie on the couch

"What do you want..."

"Charlie, I am so sorry. It kinda just happened, I didn't mean for it to hurt you"

"But waiting to tell me and saying you never wanted to speak to me again"

"I never said that"

"Adam did"

I looked at him confused

"He was probably drunk"

It was silent

"Charlie, please you are my best friend, I can't have you mad at me"

It was silent again

"Is it a boy or girl" he said with a smile

"We don't know, I have any appointment in an hour to find out"

"Is Adam going?"

"No.....he had to go to his office and finish up paperwork that he missed last two weeks"

"Oh, that's nice"

I scoffed

"Charlie, will you go with me to my appointment"

He smiled

"Of course"

I smiled back

"I really wanted Connie to go"

"Let's go talk to her"

"I don't think that's a good idea"

"You're right, she needs some time to cool off"

I laughed and walked outside

"Mom, I'll be back later!!" said Charlie yelling to his mom

We decided to walk since it wasn't that far. We got there and I signed myself in and waited for my name to be called

"Tarah Banks?" A lady said at the door

I got up and Charlie walked behind me

"Alright Tarah, you can sit in the seat there and Mr. Banks you can sit there in that chair"

Charlie didn't even bother telling the lady he was a friend not my husband

"Alright Tarah, my name is Katy and I will show you you're baby and the gender"

She got some gel and put it on my stomach

"It might be cold"

She was right, it was cold

She moved the little remote thing around till she found my baby

"There is you're little girl"


"Oh, wait there's another, it's a boy"

"I'm having twins?"

She smiled

"How?? It didn't show at my first appointment?"

"Some baby's tend to find behind the other when they are that small"

"I'm having a girl and boy!"

I smiled at Charlie and he smiled back with tears in his eyes

I thought it was weird but who knows

The lady wiped the gel off and we walked out while she printed out a sonogram

"Here you go, your twins"

"Thank you"

"Have a good day"

We walked out and walked back to my place

"If Adam finds you here he is going to flip"

"Let him get mad"

I laughed and we went inside

We heard talking in the living room and it was Adam, McGill and Larson, why are they here



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