Chapter 5

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Tarah's POV

I wallked into the locker room and grabbed my stuff without saying a word until someone spoke up

Dean- "So Tarah, what are you going to do now, since your family is gone"

I can't believe he just asked that

Charlie- "Why does it matter to you" he said pushing Dean

Dean- " Because I wanted too" he said pushing Charlie back

"Guys stop!"

I tried to break them up but they wouldn't stop, the kept pushing and shoving, so I grabbed my hockey gear and ran out the door and I could hear Charlie coming after me but I didn't stop I just kept running

I ran as fast as I could to Charlie's house so I could get there before he does but I ran into someone knocking us both over

"I am so sorry" I said to him helping him up, noticing it was my crush Adam Banks

"So sorry, I should probably watch where I'm going" I said blushing

Banks- "Hey, it's alright...Hey I know you, you're Tarah Henderson, from the Mighty Ducks team"

"Yeah" I said smiling

Banks- "You're a good hockey player"


Banks- "So where are you coming from"

"Um, hockey practice, I was running home to pack up my stuff"

Banks- "Oh really, what for?"

"I am moving in with my hockey coach, if that doesn't seem weird"

Banks- "No, not at all, why are you moving in with him?"

It was silent for a mintue, my eyes started to tear up

Banks- "You okay?"

"Uh, yeah its just my parents passed away early this morning in a car accident"

Banks- "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that"

"It's alright"

Banks- "I'm happy to help if you want"

I smiled at him "Okay"

We walked down the ally towards Charlie's house, I hope we get everything packed up before he gets home, he doesn't like Banks or the Hawks team

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