Chapter 25

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Tarah POV

I was in complete shock, Adam Banks just asked me to marry him

I smiled at him


He got up and we hugged while everyone cheered. We kissed and payed the check and went home

When we got back, we started to pack things up, because we leave tomorrow

"The ring is beautiful!" I said kissing him

"Beautiful ring for a beautiful girl" he smiles and finishes packing


The next morning we got ready to go

"Are you sure you guy's dont't want to stay" said Adam's mother

"We have a doctor's appoinment later this afternoon" I said rubbing my stomach

"We'll when you know anything, give us a call" said his father

I smiled and gave each of them a hug

We walked out the door and headed to the airport

"How far am I?"

"Um....I believe 8 weeks"

"So we get to know the gender?"

"You get too, I have bussiness to take care off"


We boarded and the whole flight was silence


"Hey, we are home" said Adam kissing my head

I got up and walked off

"Tarah, don't be mad at me"

"I'm not"

I pulled out my phone and wanted to text Charlie but I knew I couldn't

Adam dropped me off at home and he went to his office

"I'll be back later" he said kissing my head

I gave him a slight smile and closed the door

I picked up my phone and called Charlie, It rung twice and then went straight to voicemail

"Charlie, it's me, I know you're there, pick up the phone please"

I hung up and grabbed my shoes and walked out the door

My first thought was the ice rink, so I went there first, I was probably going to see everyone but I don't care

I saw cars parked which mean't everyone was here, I took a deep breath and walked in, Adam would kill me walking in after the way they treated me

"Good pass Charlie" I heard coach yell

I watched tell they went for a water break and I walked in

"Tarah?" I heard

It was Connie

"Connie!" I said running to her

She wasn't running back to me

"Where have you been...?" she aasked with a dissapointed look

"I've been in New York"

"And you didn't bother telling me?"

"I was going too, but"

"But, what" she said

"Connie, I am so sorry..."

"Tarah, what are you doing here..?"

I look behind her and saw Coach starring at me

"I came to owe you all an apology"

It was silent

"I didn't mean to take off like that, I should of told you guys before hand, but I didn't know, um Adam wanted to go see his parents"

They all gasped

"Um, this is really hard to say, but I need all of your support on this"

I saw Charlie behind Coach looking down at the ice

"Adam and I are getting married..."

Their mouths dropped

"And....we are expecting a baby in a couple of months"

Charlie looked at me, he slammed his gear on the ground and skated off with anger

"Charlie...wait" I said trying to stop him

I turned around and Connie was skating away


Soon everyone left except Coach

"Coach, I'm so sorry...."

He opened his mouth but then closed it again

"Congrats..." he said with a snotty attitude and skated away

Great, I lost my two best friends, my coach and even my teamates

"Mom, Dad...I wish you we're here" I said starting to cry

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