Chapter 7

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Charlie POV

I walked home from Mickey's and was thinking on what to say to Tarah, I feel pretty bad on what happened this morning and earlier after practice

I opened my door to my room and I see Tarah kissing somone

Oh hell no! It's that Banks kid, the one from the Hawks

"What the hell are you doing!?"

They both looked up in fear

Tarah POV

I heard the door open, it was probably Charlie's dog

Charlie- "What the hell are you doing!?"

I look up, oh god

"Charlie it's not what it looks like, he was just helping me pack"

Charlie- "Bull! Why are you making out with the enemy!?"

I could tell he was mad

Charlie- "Get the hell out of my house Banks!"

Adam slowly got up and walked out, i'm surprised Charlie didn't hit him

The room was silent


His eyes were filled with tears

"Charlie, why does it matter to you?"

He didn't anwser


He stormed out of the room


I sat there, what have I done

Charlie POV

I can't believe Tarah would do that, doesn't she know I like her, obviously not

I walked to the lake and put my skates on and tried to not think of anything, but I couldn't stop thinking of Tarah

Tarah POV

It has been hours since Charlie's been home, I hope he's okay, I grabbed my skates and headed to see if he was at the lake

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