Chapter 8

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Tarah POV

I skated towards the ice rink and I see Charlie skating around, I walked closer to him


He looked up and had a dissapointed look on his face

"Can we talk?"

"I don't want to talk about anything" he said skating away

"Charlie, please..I want to talk about it, please"

He looked up at me

"Why did you do it"

"Charlie, he kissed me first, I didn't want to kiss back but I did"

"Why was he in my house Tarah"

"Charlie, he was suppose to help me move out, I ran into him when I was running home from practice and your little fight with Dean and I couldn't take it anymore and--"

I was stopped by Charlie's lips touching mine

We broke away and there was complete silence

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I like you Tarah! I've always had some type of feelings for you...I just didn't want to show it"

I didn't say a word, I knew he liked me but not like that

"Are you still mad about the whole Banks thing"

"I am but not as much as before, you can't see him ever again"

"Charlie you can't do that, he's my friend"

"Not anymore" he demanded

I let out a sigh


He smiled

"Alright let's head back, please Charlie I think your mom was making dinner"

We put our roller skates on and skated back home in silence

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