I'm Falling for my Best Friend that Sleeps on my Couch... <3 Chapter 9

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Hello my luvliieesss! (:

Well I do not know why but im major happy, today :D

But I know you guys are not happy with me though :(

And I know I dont have a legit excuse but its just that my summer passed by in a blur and I was so busy D:

I'm so sorry, forgive me please? 

If you do...

Remember to vote and comment pleaseee! I will really appreciate it. 

Btw... the vote botton is just a click away and the comment is just a couple keyyysss awaaay (:

Also thanks for reading!

I will stop my rambling now...

I'm Falling for my Best Friend that Sleeps on my Couch... <3 Chapter 9


As soon as I opened by mouth for him he quickly started to explore it. Kyle licked the roof of my mouth and I gently moaned. Gosh, Jenni what are you doing? 

I know this is wrong but I seriously don't care at the moment. 

What am I saying?! Of course I care! I'm full out making out with my best friend!

And I have a BOyFRIEND!

I mentally stopped myself and was about to pull away from him, when I realised butterflies started forming in the pit of my stomach and I had shocks going through my body.

God, I'm going mental.

Enough rambling to myself. I focused on the kiss where I had unintentionally tightened my grip on his neck, to pull him closer.

He tasted like starburst.

My teenage hormones took over me. I started to do my own exploring, I let my tongue go all over the parts of his mouth, he softly moaned.

I mentally smiled and continued, his grip on my waist tighten so there was hardly any space to breath.

Talking about breathing I realised my lungs were asking for air. 

Why don't I want to stop?

But I need to stop, for physical and mental reasons. 

I pulled away and was satisfied when air filled my lungs.

He smiled, a big bright smile showing his pearly whites.

I had to copy his gesture unwillingly.

That is when millions of thoughts and questions ran through my mind.

My smile faded away.

"What's wrong Jenniboo?"

I sighed, a big unlady like sigh at that.

"I don't know Kylebear, everything I guess."

I saw his smile flip upside down to a frown.

Ouch, that gesture made my heart sting.


"Come on It's getting a bit chilly. Let's head home and talk about it." He gave me a small smile and got out of the pool.

"Oh okay." I said as I accepted his hand to help me up.

Damn. I felt twice my weight because of my soaking wet clothes.

"Kyllleeebear." I whined after I saw his adidas and socks by the edge of the pool.

When the heck did he take them off?!

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