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Hi guys!! 

Sorry for making two announcements in two days but this one is super important and I didn't want to just add it on to the last one because I wanted to make sure everyone sees it. 

I wasn't even thinking (DUH) until someone pointed it out to me that Chasing Time will be based on the NEW REVISED version of Skipping Time. I know most of you already read the book--but I ended up adding a LOT of stuff to it. Cacee's character has a LOT more depths and there are whole new chapters in the end of the revised book where important new stuff happens. 

If you've only read the original version that is on Wattpad, I'm sure you will still like the sequel but there will definitely be parts that you don't fully understand because they will be referencing changes that do not ever happen in the Wattpad version. 

Because of that, I'd definitely recommend anyone who loves the story and wants to read Chasing Time to read the REVISED version of the book if you have time!! The basic story stays the same but--again--some important new stuff happens and I think you guys will really enjoy the changes!!!! 

For instance, I got a LOT of comments in the end of the book asking HOW they don't notice that every time Jess gets angry weird things happen. Because of all the comments, I rewrote that whole part in the new version and now it's totally explained and makes way more sense! That is only one of many changes. 

Also, by the time you are done re-reading the book over there, I will probably be close to putting up the sequel over here!! So it's a win/win situation!!! 

So, for those of you who would like to read the new version of Skipping Time (STILL TOTALLY FOR FREE) just copy and paste this link into your browser.

AND there are THOUSANDS of other GREAT FREE YA books on that site, so you cannot go wrong by signing up. Quick!! Go now!! haha. THANKS GUYS!!!!! 

SKIPPING TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now