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Her body was drowning in a river of cold fire. The flames, blue like the ocean waves, would not let her escape, like she was caught in the killer undertow of a wild rip current. The fire consumed while the river of fire bound her tight. Cassie didn't know how it happened, it just did. Tate's face was the last thing she saw before falling among stars. They welcomed her as one of their own.

She danced and pranced...the dazzling universe her stage with a smell of mint itching her nose. Then she saw the stars began circling around her body, forming constellations and images of things that never happened, places she'd never been and people she'd never met. Then, suddenly Cassie was covered in cold water and deep space as black as coal as the stars lit up brightly like fluorescent lights.

She felt hands, the hard ground, then nothing but pain. The sensation of an icy burn never left her body even when she opened her eyes.

The room was blurry and saturated with that minty smell she remembered in between the dreams of a freezing hell and a burning galaxy.


His voice was sweet and soft.

Cassie blinked to focus her eyes as the odor got stronger and the lights brighter, her senses hitting her hard like a punch to the face. She saw vibrant blues and shimmering whites. She tasted salt and felt the warm bed she was on. She heard distant noises and echoed whispers, and his sweet, sweet voice.


The young man smiled. He had the stubble of a short bear and deep circles under his dark eyes. She had never seen him before yet she felt she had. He was one of her memories, on the fringes of the constellations which formed when she was dreaming.


His name sprang forth like a shooting star, it shocked and then faded in the air. The voice was rough and deeper, not hers. She looked around, confused, her heart racing. There was a table with flowers and a yellow letter that had Get well written in a language she had no knowledge of.

"Victoria brought that."

Cassie's head darted to Ignacio. He looked at her with sympathetic eyes, clenching his jaw, then smiled. Cassie was shaking like a helpless bunny in front of a hungry hawk, frozen with fear, unable to run. Anyway, she had no idea where she was.

"I'm so sorry."

The young man placed his hand on her cheeks and kissed her forehead. He held her hand. It felt heavy. Ignacio's eyes watered as he kneeled down and took her hands with both of his.

"I'm sorry, Julia," he kept repeating.

Cassie frowned, her heart stopped.

"Who are you?"

Ignacio stepped back, dazed.

"They didn't mention amnesia...," he whispered, loud enough for Cassie to hear.

She got up and tried to get the white hospital blanket off. Cassie stopped when she looked at her hands. Her nails longer and painted blue, her skin tanned and missing the freckles she always had.


She couldn't find her voice, her eyes darted in so many directions, and all the sounds were too loud, the lights too bright.

"Doctor!" Ignacio yelled, making Cassie scream in pain and cover her ears.

As people entered the room she heard Ignacio's voice humming, muffled in the soft and warm blanket covering her helpless broken body.

Her mind wandered off again. Drowning in melted gold, watching the stars dance and seeing feathers—white feathers falling from the sky like snowflakes. This time she didn't sense the mint flavor, rather she smelled ashes and smoke. She saw destruction, she saw fire...she saw him.

And then the dream began again with her falling, drowning and burning.


(Damn Madeline, back at it again with the short chapters) It's been so long :o I'm back with this story, a bit rusty since I haven't written anything for a while...

Don't forget to vote and tell me what you think! What do you think happened? What happened to Cassie? Do you remember Ignacio? Alexander half human half immortal son? *wink wink*

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