Chapter 28

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Myles and I are going house shopping today. So far we've looked at 10 houses. I'm very tired. My feet are killing me. We've walked so much and none of these houses are as perfect as i'd like.

Our real estate agent saying that this next would be perfect for what were Looking for but she said that at the first house and everyone after. So at this point who knows.

We just arrived at the second from last house we're looking at. The outside looks amazing just beautiful but it all depends on the inside.


"So I'll call an put in an offer and i'll call with an update" The agent said

"Ok thank you" I smiled

She nodded and got in her little blue car and drove away. Myles and I stood for a while looking at the house. We thought about our future kids and just our future lives.

After a while it got dark so we grabbed dinner then went home.


My bad guys I honestly just didn't feel like writing. I'd been writing so much  trying to finish the book I just didn't even feel like writing anymore.

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