Chapter 11

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I'm just gonna tell you straight out. A lot has happened in the past four months. Just wow.

Four months ago I caught Myles making out with some flight attendant. I didn't know who she was at the time. However she was bragging about the kiss on Twitter.

I don't talk to Myles anymore but I I do talk to the girls, Kalin and Jake. We keep in touch and still hang out. Of course they talk about how much of a mess he is. However I don't care much. He messed up.

When my mom found out she was a little upset because she liked him. My dad.... He wanted to kick his ass.

Four months ago I met Zac Efron and sat with him on the plane. Where we took a nap together, watch a movie together, and got to know each other.

One month and ten days since Zac has taken me on a date. He takes me out every other night. He doesn't do anything the same. What I mean is every time we go out its something different.

Ever since we went out the first time the paps have been following me everywhere. I guess that's how it ends out when you go on dates with a super popular actor.

Zac's taking me out tonight. He told me to dress causally. He's picking me up in an hour so I decided to get off my but and get read.

I got out of bed and turned on my music. I took a quick shower.  As I was doing my hair my phone rang. It was Kalin facetiming me. I answered the call and Kalin and Jake popped up.

"Hey what's up guys" I smiled while continuing with my hair

"Look we know you don't want to hear about it but can you please just hear us out" Kalin said

"Guys I don-" I started

"Please just hear us out" Jake interrupted me

"Fine but you have five minutes staring now" I said tapping my foot

As I listened to them I did my makeup and continued to get ready.

"Myles is a huge mess" Jake said

"He's right he has holes in his walls tissues all over the place he takes a shower once a week because he's to busy crying" Kalin said

"Look" Jake said

I looked at my phone and saw that they had went into Myles's room. They showed me all around and I was shocked.

There were tissues everywhere, holes in the walls, clothes everywhere. Then he put a sleeping Myles on the camera. He was a mess dark circles under his eyes, messed up hair, and he had stains on his shirt.

"Guys I'm sorry I have to go" I said as I hung up the phone shaking

I sat down and thought. Zac is sweet and perfect in every way. He's an amazing guy. When he kiss me I don't feel a spark. I mean there's a little something there put its nothing compared to what I felt when Myles kissed me.

Whatever no I can't forgive him for what he did.


"Hannah star you are so beautiful and you are amazing. When I first met you on the plane I thought to myself oh man this chick is so beautiful. I think you are great at a lot of things but putting your feelings behind you isn't your best. So I am willing to put the feelings I have for you behind because I want the best for you. I know you still love Myles and I want you to go back to him"  Zac said as we sat in the park bench

"What" I asked raising an eyebrow

"I know you till love him and I love you too but I want you to be happy so go to him" Zac smiled

"Thank you" I smiled

"Your the best and I hope we still stay friends" I smiled

"Of course now go get your guy" he smiled

I kissed his cheek then sprinted over to the side walk. I called for a cab and one pulled over. I gave him The address to Myles's house and told him to step on it.

I'm a matter of 10 minutes we were there. I quickly paid him and ran out. I banged on the door until finally Kalin opened it.

"What are you doing here" he asked

But I pushed past him and ran upstairs. I ran until I reached Myles room. I heard loud sad music being played followed busy snores. I opened the door and went over to Myles.

Quickly I got on top of him and kissed him. I kissed him hard. Soon his hands grabbed my face and and kissed back.

I sat kissing him until I ran out of breathe.

"I missed you babe" he breathed

"I missed you too" I smiled

I hugged him tight. I kissed his neck and hugged tighter. Things did get alittle freaky you know we had sex. Eventually we fell asleep hugging.

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