Chapter 15

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You have no idea what's it's like to be told your baby died.

My life is gone. But as I think about it there is a plus and a minus to this. That sounds cruel but it's true.

A plus because the father wasn't who I wanted it to be. I never expected to have a baby with Zac. And as I think about it I don't want to. I want a baby Myles.

I minus is that a poor little baby has died inside of me. A poor little unborn lifeless baby body is inside of me.

I wiped off the gel off of my soma h and thanked her for her time. I thanked her for her time and went to the front. I schedule a time for them to surgically remove the baby from my stomach.

I'm only 3 months so no one really knows. We kept it quiet. For a while. Only our parents knew and so did Dom and Tati.

The drive back to Zac's house was quiet. I simply had nothing to say.  I just cried quietly as I looked out the window.

We got back to his house and I said goodbye and got into my car,

I started up my car and drove. As I drove I thought about Myles. He still calls me. He does once or twice a day. Lately when I would get a call a big smile would come to my face but I never had the courage to answer.

He just makes me smile and makes me happy. We was my everything and I wish everything was back to normal. Usually we'd be cuddling in the couch cause Sunday is movie day with the guys and girls.

I miss hanging out with them as a group. We always had so much fun. Most importantly I miss Myles. He was perfect.

I pulled up in the front of my house. Or not?

I guess I was in deep thought about Myles that I ended up at his house. With out thinking I got out and walked up to the door. I knocked.

I knocked.

The door opened and Myles stood there. He had a smile on his face until he relaxed I'd been crying.

He grabbed my hand a pulled me into a hug. We stood there hugging until I felt myself being lifted up. Myles had picked me up and took me inside to the couch.

I just sat crying on his Shoulder not worrying about my volume level. When I felt I could talk I started to apologize.

"Myles I'm so sorry you never got a chance to talk that day. But I've made such a huge mistake and now I'm paying for it please don't hate me because I love you so much" I said still crying

"Shhhhh calm down and tell me what happened" he said wiping my tears

"After I left that day I went to Zac's house. I don't know what had came over me but we had sex and I left right after. I regret it so much after it felt wrong because it was worth the wrong person" I said still crying

I looked at him and he looked pissed but nodded for me to continue.

"Two months after I found out I was pregnant I was happy at all. I immediately told Zac and he comforted me and helps me through it but today I found out I had a miscarriage. I know I didn't wanna baby in the first place but just knowing I almost had a baby with someone I didn't love and know that there is a baby in me that isn't living is killing me. There is a possibility that i did something to kill this baby and it's killing me" I cried

He didn't say anything. He just fought me into a hug. I felt so safe.

I felt my puffy eyes getting heavy. Before I could think I was asleep.

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