Chapter 22

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Myles just picked me up from the airport. The ride to my house is quite and very uncomfortable. I can't really read his face. It's just blank.

We finally got to my house and still nothing. He carried my bags into the house quietly. As I walked in I saw rose petals everywhere. I looked at Myles with a big smile and saw him smiling at me too. I dropped my purse and went running into his arms.

"I love you so much baby thank you for this" I smiled

"Anything for my girl"

After thanking Myles we ate the lovely dinner Myles prepared. He made us steak, potatoes and a salad. My baby is such an amazing cook i'm glad to have him.

We finished eating dinner then i think Myles could tell I was craving his touch. I was excited for what was going to happen tonight.

When we reached the bedroom I was a little bag from Victoria Secret sitting on the bed. I looked at Myles and he also looked surprised. I looked in the bag and inside there was some laced items and a note.

Give it to him

                -Dom and Tati

"Wait here" I winked

I took the bag and headed into the bathroom. I quickly changed into the outfit and sprayed a little perfume on. I put my clothes in the hamper and walked into the bedroom

Myles instantly looking at me with with a smirk. he slowly stood up and made his way over to me kissing me slowly. As he pulled away he looked at me.

"Tonight I don't wanna have fuck I want to make love" he said

I nodded lost for words. Myles picked me up and walked us over to the bed. he slowly laid us down and kissed me again. His hands slowly and genitally roaming my body. He kissed all around me until he found my sweet spot making me moan out in pleasure.

He kissed down my chest whispering many "I love you" 's. I quickly flipped us over pulling his shirt off and kissing him. I got into the straddle position and rubbed my hands up and down his body as I kissed him.

From there on i'm sure you and assume what happened tonight. And I assure you it was very pleasuring.


I'm sorry guys for not putting out anything this weekend like i usually try to and to be honest I haven't even read anything. I've been busy studying for my finals. Which I take tomorrow and Friday to wish me luck.

Stay With Me - Myles ParrishWhere stories live. Discover now