Chapter 16

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Today's my surgery. I scheduled it the day after because I want it out. I want it behind me. I want it in the past.

The doctor said I should be able to leave a few after. I just have to rest. Myles, Kalin, Jake, Tati, Dom, and Zac are going to be there.

I got up really early. My surgery is at 8 but I have to be there by six. Just so I can get all drugged up and ready.

Myles and I left at about five thirty and everybody else is gonna be there right before I go into surgery.

As we drove to the hospital I did cry alittle knowing that the baby I had growing inside of me passed.

But however as my grandma always said "Everything happens for a reason".

If I was really meant to have a baby with Zac then the baby would still be here. I guess this is just a way of saying let it go.


"Just change into this and  head to room 2839 just three doors down" the nurse said handing me a gown

"Thank you" I said

"No problem" she smiled

I changed then headed to the room. Myles sat quietly with my purse in his lap. As soon as I walk through the door I get a phone call.

Myles hands me my phone and I answer. As soon as I do I get and ear full of Zac yelling at me about how I did tell him that today was my surgery.

But I mean what did he think I was gonna do let the baby just stay in me. I'm not saying I'm not wrong for not telling him but I mean come of common since.

I just block him out until he finishes then u reply calmly.

"Your welcome to come if you'd like" I said then hung up

Some one knocked on the door and came in.

"Hello Hanna nice to see you again" my doctor smiled

"Same to you" I smiled

"Ok now if you could just lay down on the bed I'm gonna hook you up to the I.V.

The doctor hooked me up and I soon started feeling the drugs.

He left and Myles came up to me.

"Hey babe" he smiled

"Your pretty" I giggled

"Not as pretty as you" he laughed

"Oh my god he's flirting with me" I giggled talking to the guy next to me

Myles POV

The Dom, Tati, Kalin, and Jake can in and I started talking to them while Hanna talked to her imaginary friend.

After a while we just sat and watched her talk to that person. It's supposedly a girl.

Later Zac came in. To be honest I really don't like him but I'm not gonna start shit.

"Why the hell are you here" he demanded

"Because she wanted me here" he answered calmly

"I want you out" he said

"No I love her and she loves me so I'm gonna be here unfit he one I love" I said still calm.

"Well let's ask her" he suggested

"Alright" he said

"Don't get mad at what she says cause she's drugged and just like when your drunk you say the truth instead of lieing" Tati said

I laughed like I was chill but I was nervous of her answer.

"Hey Hanna you know I'm in love with hake tell me who your in love with" Dom said

"Oh it's this really cute polite boy" she giggled

"What's his name" Dom asked

"Crap I don't know it rhymes with lyles that's a funny word" she giggled "rhymes" she continued to laugh

"Was his name Myles" Dom asked

"That's it" she gasped

"Now you have your answer" I said still calm

His face boiled with anger. You could tell he wanted to hit me. But the doctor walked in so he stormed out.

"Ok well we are ready for her so if you have anywords"he said

They all said goodbye and headed to the waiting room.

I walked over and grabbed her hand.

"Hey babe good luck in there I love you so much and can't wait to see you when you get out" I said

She just smiled at me.

"Bye" she waved as the wheeled her down the hall.

I just giggled and thought to myself as I walk down the hall.

"She's all mine"

Stay With Me - Myles ParrishWhere stories live. Discover now