Chapter 2

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Elodie’s POV

I ended up going right to bed when I got home. My dad didn’t want to deal with me drunk. Surprise surprise. But now it was time to face his anger. And what better time than when I was hungover…

“Oops” I say with a shrug as he slams the tabloid down onto the table, trying to ignore the pounding in my temple. That simple word seems to set him off and he begins the same old lecture of how I need to grow up and act respectable. That how I acted reflected on the family. Yada yada yada. I’d heard it all before. I tune him out as I inspect the picture they’d chosen. I was disappointed with the photographers. They could’ve picked much better ones. I wasn’t even flipping off the camera in this one. Was that really the guy from last night? I think inspecting the guy next to me. Yikes. He wasn’t even half as attractive as I remembered. I looked good though, despite the obvious drunkenness.

“Are you even listening to me?” he rages. I set the paper down and calmly look up at my father, knowing that would make him even madder.

“What did you say?” I ask, pushing him to the edge. His fist clenches as if he wants to his something, but he’s not the abusive type.

“I don’t know what to do with you. I don’t know how to make you see how stupid you’re being. I’ve tried grounding, but you don’t listen. I’ve taken away your phone, but you’ll just get a new one. We’ve tried boarding school, but you just get yourself expelled. What am I supposed to do with you Elodie?”

“I dunno, leave me alone?” I respond. He just sighs, closing his eyes as he shakes his head.

“Just go. I need time to think of your punishment this time,” he says dismissively. I nod, leaving the office, thankful for a chance to escape and lay down. Maybe take a nap to sleep off the headache. “Oh,” he adds as I’m leaving. “I expect you to be on your best behavior tomorrow. There will be little kids about and we don’t want any bad influences.” I roll my eyes. Great to know that’s what he thought of me. I continue out into the hall, not looking back. As I walk past a window, I glance out and see a few black vans pull up to the security station. Must be some guests for the celebration tomorrow, I realize as I pause to watch the cars unload.

“Daddy yell at you again?” a voice asks and I look over to see my little sister, Varshitha. I roll my eyes. Of course. She was probably here to rub it in my face. Daddy’s Angel and America’s Princess. She never got in trouble.  “You really shou—What are you doing?” she asks, distracted by my looking out the window.

“Someone’s here for tomorrow,” I say with a nod, letting her shove in front of me to see. I wish I hadn’t when she lets out a blood curdling scream. I clamp my hands over my ears, wincing as my head explodes with a new level of pain as she jumps up and down, landing on my toe. I wouldn’t be surprised if guards came to check out the screaming and make sure we weren’t being killed or kidnapped.

“Fuck,” I shout, grabbing my throbbing foot.

“Do you know who that is?” she asks excitedly, ignoring my pain.

“No, but I’m betting you’ll tell me,” I reply sarcastically.

“That’s One Direction!” she squeals, obviously not realizing how much I don’t care. Or she doesn’t care what I think.

“Who fucking cares,” I mutter under my breath as she lets out another scream, darting off down the hall. Probably on her way to the security checkpoint to greet them. I look out the window again at the boys, squinting so I could see them clearer. Now that she gave me their name, I did recognize them. It was hard not to seeing as how their faces were everywhere. There was a lot of them, although I realize some of the people with them were probably their security team. Jeez, they practically had as many as my dad. As I look them over, I’m surprised that they appear to be around my age. The pictures I’d seen of them all make them look like they’re 13. The suspenders and blazers… it was all a bit ridiculous. But now, they looked almost normal. Attractive even. Granted, some of them were definitely not my type. Super lanky or feminine. But some… maybe this party wouldn’t be all that bad. One of them looks up in my general direction.

“Is everything alright?” Marcus, the main security guard asks, running up the hall, looking both ways for a threat.  I give a nod of my head.

“Varshitha just saw our newest guests,” I tell him, looking back out the window at the boy on the ground. I can’t tell if he’s looking at me because he’s too far away, but I watch him for a couple more seconds before turning and heading down the hall past Marcus. My head was pounding. I really needed a nap.

Liam’s POV

We were finally here. We still had to go through the security checkpoint to actually get into the White House, but at least we were off the plane and had found Louis and Lauren. I scan the White House exterior. We’d been here before when Obama was president, so it wasn’t an altogether new experience, but still. How many times could you stand in front of the White House?

I see movement in one of the windows and at first I think it’s probably just a security guard, but when I look closer, I see a girl standing in the window. I recognize her right away. It’d be hard not to seeing as her face was plastered everywhere. She seemed to be watching us, but I couldn’t see her clearly and just as suddenly, she turns away, disappearing out of view.

“Hurry up lads, the sooner we get through security, the sooner you can relax.” Paul announces, herding us towards the door.

“That means now Harry,” I say with a sigh as I grab the back of his shirt, dragging him backwards towards the door. That boy got too distracted by his Instagram/Vine crap. It takes us an unbelievably long time to get through security and now we don’t even have our phones anymore. We had to put them away for the security part in case we were secretly filming it so we could break in or something. I don’t know. All of our luggage had to be hand checked for dangerous materials also. When we finally got through, the head of security, the first lady, and the younger daughter greeted us.  Judging by her excitement, she was the reason we’d been invited to perform at the party tomorrow. I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was take a nap. But she was so excited, I felt bad for leaving. In the end, I convinced the others to put aside their plans for half an hour to help entertain the youngest daughter. After all, we were responsible for making sure she had a good time. Where was her sister, I wonder briefly.  Why wasn’t she down here to greet us? I could understand why the president wasn’t. He was an extremely busy man. But we’d just seen her through the window. She knew we were here. Wouldn’t it have been polite to come greet us? I shake that thought off with a roll of my eyes. I pretty much just answered my question. It would have been polite, but I already knew she wasn’t. Varshitha wanted us to sing a song for her, but we were under strict orders to rest our vocal cords in preparation for the tour so we promised her a song tomorrow during the show.

When we’d finally spent enough time with her to not seem rude, we begged off, telling her we needed to get settled for the next couple days. She agreed and after a round of hugs, we were finally free. We’re escorted to the other side of the White House, away from the family wing to a guest one where we’d be staying. From there, we all split up as we go to our separate rooms.  Harry and Niall, Lauren and Louis, and Zayn and I, although since Ladies First were staying here also, he’d probably end up in Emily’s room. Which meant I’d be all by myself. Maybe I should text Melissa back. She wasn’t all that bad, despite what the boys said. I set my phone on the nightstand with a yawn. I’d do it, I promised myself. Right after this nap.


Hey everyone! In honor of the 3 year anniversary, here's an update! Their first glimpses of each other. What do you think?

Picture of Varshitha, El's little sister on the side.

Hope you like it so far :) Let me know what you think in the comments!

And the dedication goes to Swaggin_Directioner who's Varshitha

The President's Daughter (Liam Payne) Book 6Where stories live. Discover now