bonus chapter

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Aniyah's POV

Mason and I tied the knot when I was four months into my pregnancy and five months later we welcomed a baby boy named Caleb, then came Andrew. Their not too far apart. Our baby two and my little man is four. Mason wasn't kidding about wanting a house full, but apparently he doesn't make girls until now. I'm in month eight of my third pregnancy and this time it's finally a girl. You must think I'm crazy having kid after kid. I've got me a house full of babies, but this is what we wanted. Our parents seem to be happy with our mass reproduction and we have no problem finding babysitters

Talia: Niyah kensi and I came to help with the munchkins and we brought your dad and Marty who are finishing off the nursery for number three

Her name is not number three mom

Talia: I still think it's a boy, Mason's good at making boys

He's also good at taking care of our boys, their all helping with their sister's nursery

Kensi: every time I see those boys it's like looking at Mason growing up. Not one of your children look like you. Those three blonde haired blue eyed munchkins are Mason all over. Especially Caleb, that's his identical twin

Andrew looks like his mommy and maybe Audrey will too

Kensi: Audrey? I love it. Having so many grandkids makes me feel so much older than I am, but you guys make great kids and this family is just growing by the minute

Yep, I never thought I'd want more than two and honestly this one was not planned at all. She's a pleasant surprise and I will be so happy to meet her when she comes. I'm excited to finally have another girl in this house

Talia: honey I don't know how your going to manage. All of your babies are still babies. How will you handle a two year old, a four year old and with a new baby? That's a lot of work even for you

Mom it's not like I'm in this alone. Mason wanted lots of kids and he helps out just as much is I do if not more. If I were married to anyone else I'd be concerned, but I have a great husband and three is not that many

Kensi: not really, honestly there was a time I didn't want any and I ended up with three of my own and from those three I got grandkids so I will never get bored because you clearly want more than three

Talia: of course she does

No time soon though

We got the nursery all finished up and later that day the guys came over to have a few beers and catch up. I was happy to see Maya and Sasha, I've been so busy that I barely saw them this week

Maya: dad do you mind if the twins sleep over, they really want to because apparently your more fun than Jordan and I are

Deeks: of course we're more fun and I have no problem with martin and Mackenzie spending the weekend with us. Emily would love that won't you princess?

Emily: I don't care

She walked away texting

Kensi: teenagers. I feel like her cell phone is her life

Well Kensi it's how you stay connected with the online world and like you said she's a teenager which is complicated all on it's own. It's probably just a phase

Emily: or I'm probably annoyed that my overprotective parents won't let me be out past seven

Kensi: your fourteen years old, you should be in your bed at seven. If that's your problem then your going to stay bitter and upset

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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