I'm ok

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Callen's POV

Seeing talia covered in blood had me worried out of my mind. I almost didn't hear her say "its not my blood, I'm ok"

Kensi: what happened?

Talia: some guy tried to break in while I was coming down to makeget my phone and he came at me with a baseball bat, so I shot him. I know what your going to say Callen but I'm fine. He didn't even come close enough to touch me

All I'm going to say is I'm glad your ok. I guess your good after all, I'm sorry about the annoyance and it will stop. You can clearly take care of yourself

Talia: the guy needs that ambulance so its a good thing you called and he's the world's stupidest criminal. Who goes to rob someone without a gun or a knife. He's only nineteen and said his name is Carlos, we had a nice talk. He'll be fine I shoot him in the leg and he probably had no plans on hurting me. I believe him but I couldn't take that chance

I'm glad you didn't

The kid walked out limping from the bullet wound to the leg and had a freshly blacked eye

Kensi: it looks like you locked his ass before you shot him

Talia: a little bit. The kid came at me with a bat and probably thought I'd be the average pregnant woman and not do anything

Carlos: your crazy man, I ain't never trying this again

Talia: its good you learned your lesson and I hope you didn't get blood on the carpet carlos. The ambulance is here so get out of here. I think for your first offense your going to do community service so don't screw up again. You have a mother that needs you so get your shit together

Carlos: I will. If he don't work out call me or have your friend call me

Get out of here before I shoot you myself

Deeks POV

Carlos left and d we all went inside the house and sat with talia after she changed her clothes

Kensi: that didn't scare you at all? What if it were a real threat?

Talia: its my fault, I forgot to lock the back for and arm the security system. It did scare me because I was thinking about my baby. I didn't want anything to happen to her so I reacted like a mom. Those maternal instincts come in when necessary. You look very happy to be pregnant so I take it there's no morning sickness?

Kensi: I didn't even know until I realize I missed my period last month and was late this month. Nothings changed yet, no morning sickness or anything

Ok we've been with you all day long. When did you tell her?

Kensi: text messages are very reliable. you can g tell everyone else. Our mothers will be very happy and your too excited so I'll let you have this one

Callen: Talia oif you want to you could come back to ops with us

Talia: I thought you'd never ask. I don't know how housewives do it, I'm bored out of my mind here and my boss told me to stay home for the rest of the week

We all headed back to ops where we waited for sam and granger who were interrogating two suspects for over three hours even after the confession. I then shared our our incredible news with the rest of the team. Everyone were really happy for us. We celebrated with whiskey from hetty while our two pregnant girls drank apple cidar. It was one of the best days of my life. I looked over at Kensi laughing with Nell, Talia and Hetty. Seeing Fern's smile made me smile and wonder how in the world I got so lucky to be with the woman of my dreams having a child with her. The woman really knows how to make me happy

Kensi: what are you smiling at?

You. I'm there thinking about how much I love you, your amazing fern

Kensi: your pretty amazing yourself shaggy, and I love you too. Are you going to kiss me or what?

Should I? Hetty's right there

Kensi came closer and kissed me. She made it feel like in that moment it was just the two of us and it was perfect

That was amazing

Kensi: I know it was. The case is basically over so how about we head home. We have to stop for donuts first though

Let's make those fat free donuts, your getting huge

With that said she punched nme in the arm which hurt like hell then I said "I was kidding fern"

Kensi: now you know better for next time. Let's go home shaggy

I drove us to pick up dinner from our favoritechinese place, yummy yummy heart attack and we went to our place where I put on her favorite movie and we sat on the couch together watching

Kensi: you know I had this great idea a few minutes ago. Since you say we're in this together I figured we really should be so since I can't have a beer how about you not have one?

I don't mind

Kensi: I'm kidding but would you really do that for me?

Kens I love you so there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. Even though your kidding I think its a good idea. It eliminates temptation

Kensi: now I regret punching you because your being so sweet

I have a few ideas on how you can make it up to me. I leaned over and we shared another very steamy kiss then she said "you make me so happy Deeks, I love you so much" I then said "I love you so much more"

Kensi: actions speak louder than words so prove it

You want me to prove it, alright I'll prove it

I picked her up and carried her into our bedroom where we picked up right where we lift off with our kiss

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