Our girls

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Kensi's POV

As fun as our Hawaiian vacation was we're finally back home in Los Angeles and today is my second ultrasound. Deeks had an early meeting with Hetty so I'm sad that he's missing it and so is he, but everything will be ok. I walked into the office and laid on the metal table, the doctor raised my shirt and rubbed the cold jelly on my rising stomach. O can't believe that I'm almost five months along already. My doctor started the ultrasound and I saw my little baby on the screen in black and whoite. I was also able to hear my baby's heartbeat which was music to my ears

Doctor Carey: would you like to know the sex of you baby Mrs deeks?

Well I think my husband wouldn't want to miss this moment since he's convinced we're having a baby girl but I know he'd definitely want me to find out for him so yes

Doctor Carey: well your husband was right, your baby girl is doing great in there

He's going to be so happy, this is great news. In four and a half months we will get to meet baby Emma. He named her about a month ago

Doctor Carey: he sounds very excited for her arrival. Mr deeks is always excited when I see you two in here

He loves kids and so do I so this is very exciting. I have to be at work in less than an hour so am I good to go?

Doctor Carey: everything seems to be great, your weight is stable and Emma's perfect so I will see you in four weeks

Thank you so much

After I got cleaned up I went down to the pastry shop a few blocks away from the doctors office and got myself some donuts when I saw the perfect pink cupcake so I bought it and took it into the office with me. When I walked in I handed Deeks the pink cupcake

Deeks: this was very thoughtful, thank you fern

Your welcome

Deeks: how did your appointment go? Did you find out any interesting news

It went very well. I fouimd out what we're having and I think your going to be very happy

He stared at the pink cupcake and the biggest smile appeared across his face then he gave me a hug and said "this is so amazing, we're having a baby girl."

Hetty: what's all this noise anbpout Mr Deeks?

Deeks: I'm sorry hetty, I'm just excited to know that we're having a baby girl. I'll try to be quiet

Hetty: congratulations to you both, enjoy your moment Mr Deeks

Deeks: thanks hetty, Kens I'm going to get started on painting her nursery as spoon as we get home. This is such amazing news, I couldn't possibly be any happier than I am right now

I'm glad your happy and I think you would have been this excited if it were a boy too, even though a girl is what your guess was

Deeks: girl or boy I'm happy that our baby is healthy and your ok. I'm happy for the baby in general

I know you are, that's why I love you so much. This baby our baby is perfect. I got the first ultrasound photo if you want to see her

Deeks: let's see baby Emma

I handed him the picture and he stared at her smiling and said "she's so perfect, just like her mommy"

Your gonna make me cry soon if you keep this up. We can continue talking about Emma when we get home. Hetty you said this was urgent so what's going on?

Hetty: let's join the team up in ops

We all went upstairs and the doors to ops were locked once we got in. That never happens so I figured this must be a serious threat

Hetty: there is a mole inside our building and its about time we took care of that problem before any more lives are lost. One of our analyst called and said she found out who was the mole and this morning when she arrived at work she never made it out of her car. This building is on lockdown until we find out who is behind this

Callen: hetty before you do that let Talia get out of here. She has to pick up Aniyah and Mason from school today and something tells me we'll be in here all day.

Hetty: make other arrangements because it's already done. If I we're eyou right now I'd be more interested in keeping my pregnant wife out of harms way, but that girl can take care of herself just fine

Callen: Talia's ok, we need to figure out who this guy is

Yeah, my mom can get the kids today so no worries. She's not busy and she loves spending time with them so it will be fine

Sam: why are you and deeks in such a good mood today? In all this mess your the only ones who can still find a reason to smile so are we missing something here?

Deeks: even with all the craziness going on I'm having a pretty good day

I told him that we're having a little girl

Sam: that makes sense, he was confident that it would be a girl this time

I don't say this often bit he was right about that and we have a killer to catch so where do we start. There are hundreds of people in this building

Hetty: first we're looking at potential suspects then once you, Mr Beale and Ms Jones figure out the best suspects we will start there. Nobody leaves until we find this mole so its just business as usual

Sam: nothing's usual about today hetty. The only people we can really trust is the people in this room and Talia, it should never be like this, in a perfect world it wouldn't

We live in an imperfect world filled with imperfect people so days like this are not that much different from any other case

Hetty: she's right about that, so let's get started. Kensi you can either work from up here or downstairs

There's no eating in ops so I'll be at my desk. If I find something worth checking out I'll bring it right up

I went down to my desk and started working on my computer with talia beside me helping out

Talia: since I'm stuck in here you could get me a laptop for us to work faster, two heads are better than one

You can grab the one from deeks desk, I think I'm getting somewhere but before I walk all the way back upstairs I'll do some further digging. Let's cut the list in half with possible suspects

Talia: that sounds like a good plan. My boss expected me back twmenty minutes ago so I need to explain why I can't come back into work today. I don't think we're getting out of here anytime soon

No we armaybe

After talia made her call we sat side by side working all morning. At lunch time we were all able to take a break, its a good thing I keep a stash of emergency twinkies and hohos, we were still on lockdown so no going out for lunch. We worked all day long and when night came it was still nothing. I feel like we're not going home tonight so I called my mom and asked her to watch both mine and callen's kids. She was fine doing it. Talia and I were both getting very tired so we decided to go back up to ops so we can see if the guys found anything new

When we got upstairs we spent another few hour s working alongside the team. It was now after midnight and I saw that Eric and Nell found information on the same guy I was looking into

Nell: Kens what's up?

It's a case you just passed, I think the part missing is what I found. Maybe we'll get out of here sooner than I thought. I need to get my laptop so we can put out information together

Eric: alright, its after midnight but at least we'll get to leave

Yeah maybe

I walked put of ops confident that I know who the trartor was, when the guy I suspected came up right behind me

To be continued.........................................

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