Disaster Day

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Kensi's POV

As soon as I walked out of ops the suspected traitor came up behind me and roughly pushed me down the stairs. As I rolled down the stairs to ops  must have hit my head on every step and landed face down on the floor. The only thing I heard were screams of the agents downstairs anmd the sound of gun fire before I was completely unconscious

Deeks POV

We're all sitting up in ops waiting on whatever information Kensi has when we heard screams and shots fired so we all rushed downstairs and the sight almost killed me. There she was lying face down on the floor with blood coming from her nose and mouth. I rusher over to her and she wasn't breathing

Kens wake up, come on kensi you have to open your eyes

Callen: we need to get her out of here. Talia what happened down here?

Talia: she was about to walk downstairs when someone pushed her. I tried firing at him but he ran and I needed to make sure kensi was ok. If you open up he'll have the advantage but we need to get her to a hospital. Her pulse is extremely weak

Hetty: kensi is first priority so get her out of here and to a hospital while i make sure nobody else leaves. I want every man in this building accounted for this instant. Get Kensi out of here, there's an ambulance across the street waiting

I picked up my wife in my arms and carried her out to the ambulance. I rode along with here to the hospital and the ride was long and scary, she started coating so they used a portable heart defibrillator to start her heart up again, when we finally arrived at the hospital they rushed her in the back and I sat freaking out. It didn't look good for kensi or baby Emma and I was feeling so many mixed emotions. Firstly rage and anger at whoever pushed my wife down those stairs. I'm so worried about my wife and daughter that I'm trying my hardest to put those feelings aside to be here for both of them. After an hour of waiting her doctor finally came over to me

Doctor Carey: Mr Deeks I'm so sorry but there was no way we could save your baby. Falling down those stairs was the end for her and as for your wife she isn't doing well at all. She's currently still up in the operating room and the doctors working on her are worried because she hasn't regained consciousness since the fall. Their doing everything they can and they were kind enough to let me sit in since I'm her doctor.

Her words had me in tears, I didn't bother trying to hide how hurt I was.  In that moment all I wanted was to be by her side and make sure she knows I'm here for her

Doctor Carey: I will update you on her condition as soon as she's out of surgery and I'm so sorry for your loss

Thank you, for everything

When the doctor walked away I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn't bother to turn around so the person faced me and I looked down to see Nell

Nell: deeks I'm really sorry about the baby

So am I, do you mind if we just sit and not talk about it? Today's been hard enough already. I just want to sit quietly

Nell: then that's what we'll do. I want to make sure she's alright and so do you, so we can do this together.

Thanks for being here

Nell: no problem. Eric went to find a good parking spot, he has talia with him and the guys are busy interrogating the man who pushed kensi downstairs. They call it interrogation but all I heard were screams

That's good to know, so who did it? Who pushed her?

Nell: it was Jacob Wilson. He was selling information about our undercover agents overseas and he knew Kensi figured it all out because as soon as she opened his file he was alerted. He planned to escape once paramedics came in but didn't count on Talia shooting at him and seeing his face. He won't be able to hurt anyone else

This job takes so much from us sometimes and this was a sacrifice I was never willing to make. I may have lost my baby but I can't loose my wife too. That's too hard for me. I need her nell, if kensi doesn't make it that's the end of me. I can't live without her

Nell: you won't have to, let's stay positive and think about your kids. Maya and mason need you and I know kensi wouldn't want you leaving them behind because of her

I'd never want to do that to my kids, I may be alive but I won't be living, I'll only be existing. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I can't imagine a world without seeing her smile or hearing the sound of her laughter. I can't loose her, she's my best friend, the light of my life, she's my everything

Nell: I know that and so does Kensi, you won't loose her deeks. One loss is enough for today. Do you need me to do anything?

You've done everything, I think I really needed that talk. I should stop crying and call her mom. I need to tell her what's going on and talk to the kids, they will want to be here when she wakes up

Nell: your allowed to cry in this moment. How about I male the call for you? Your mind is on kensi so stay focused on Kensi, I'll handle the kids

Your doing so much already, I really appreciate you nell

Nell: we're family and families help one another out, especially in hard times. Your doing good because your accepting help. I will be here to sit with you, babysit or do whatever. Your not alone

That's good to know

Eric and talia joined me while nell called kensi's mom and we all spent the entire day waiting patiently, hours passed and there was no news on her condition

Talia: Marty do you want us to get you anything?

I'd really like to know what's taking so long, they've been in there all day long and nobody's saying anything. I'm trying to stay positive because no news is better than bad news

Talia: that's true, at least your being positive

Eric: well the doctor's headed this way so fingers crossed

Doctor Carey approached us and said "Mr Deeks we should talk in private" all that was going through my head was that's not a good sign but I then said "their all my family so whatever you need to tell me you can come out and say it

Doctor Carey: your wife made it through the operation hours ago and is resting, we have a few major concerns. She sustained traumatic head injuries that's has her brain swollen and she hasn't regained consciousness. She's in a coma for now, hopefully when the swelling goes down she'll wake up

What do you mean hopefully? Is there a chance she might not wake up?

Doctor Carey: there's a chance won't wake up, a great chance. Her condition is critical so she's in the intensive care unit being monitored by doctors 24/7 we can allow you to sit with her for a while but you will have to head home when visiting hours end

I'm not about to leave her, that's not up for discussion or negotiation. I'm staying with her because she needs me. How soon can we see her?

Doctor Carey: you don't understand. There will be no we Mr Deeks, your wife isn't even breathing on her own right now. She was so injured I don't know how she's still holding on. Only the grace of God kept her because there's no way she would have survived that surgery after her seizing fit. She's in no shape for visitors, we're allowing you in because your her husband. When she's out of the woods you can allow the rest of her family in with her but not now.

Talia: its ok Marty, you keep her company for us and send her our love

I followed he doctor into the room with my wife and she was attached to so many machines and wires. Laying in the bed she looked so pale and lifeless, that sight only made me cry even more than I already was. I pulled up a chair next to her bed and held her hand, she felt so cold. I spent the night sitting next to her holding her hand until I eventually fell asleep next to my wife. 5oday had been a disastrous day and I was glad it came to and end with my wife still with me

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