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Kensi's POV

I walked into the hospital room with deeks by my side holding my hand and I saw my mother lying on the bed all bruised and broken on the bed

Julia: kensi is that you?

Yes mom, I'm here and you've met Deeks once before

Julia: I remember him very well, he's your partner correct?

Partner, best friend, boyfriend he's a lot of things which aren't important right now. How are you feeling?

Julia: painful, but I'll survive. Did you say he's your boyfriend? Or did I not hear that right

You heard it right, we haven't talked that much in a while. Next month makes us a year and its been the best year of my life. He makes me really happy

Julia: I've noticed you've been very happy and that's a good thing. I'm glad someone makes you happy and he seems like a nice guy

He is a nice guy, this is a first. He's actually quiet

Deeks: I don't think I should interrupt this mother daughter moment your having. It's very adorable baby

I smiled and said "your adorable"

Julia: alright we've established that your both adorable and I can get out of here in a few minutes so kensi I'll need you to take me home please

No problem but you've just had surgery and your leg is broken, your wearing a neck brace. Mom your in no condition to be all by yourself anytime soon and I know these doctors haven't released you

Julia: as long as I have someone to be with me I can leave and my leg is only fractured in a few places, its not broken. I can handle being alone

You can stay with me until your better. I can get you some things from your place. I don't mind you being there and we'll be able to spend more time together bonding

Julia: I'd feel more comfortable in my house if you don't mind and it isn't fare from where you work. I have more space for you and your boyfriend if that's what you want

As long as your comfortable I'll be ok. I'm going to let deeks sign you out while I help you get into the wheel chair. Its a little windy outside and I think I have a jacket in the car you can use

Deeks: she can use mine, I'll be ok

Julia: thank you so much. Your so sweet

Deeks handed me his jacket and went to sign mom out, when we were done we took mom to to my car and I drove us over to her house where he helped me sit her on the couch, then he went to get us some clothes from his place

Julia: kensi thank you so much for doing this for me

Its about time I started being a better daughter to you. Deeks is going to make us some dinner when he gets back, and we can watch a movie of you want to. I see you have The Titanic

Julia: it's your favorite movie so I always keep it just in case you ever feel like stopping by to do something together, but your a busy girl and so am I at times

How about we pick a day out of the week when we're both free and spend some time together. I'm off most Sundays

Julia: you can come by any time your ready, you have a life and that guy to go home to

He travels with me so he won't be missing anything

Julia: it sounds like your pretty serious about this one

You have no idea. Being with him is everything I've always wanted and then some. I've never loved anyone the way that I love Deeks, he makes me feel like I'm the most beautiful woman on the planet and I can be me. No pretending to be perfect and he never tries to change who I am. Mom I love him more than anything and I know he feels the same. Its like he's a part of me I didn't know was misinmg until he filled the void on my heart and I trust him with everything

Julia: you light up when you talk about him so I know for a fact that you love him and I'm glad he's a good guy. He's so sweet, is he always like that or is he trying to impress me?

He always that sweet, he knows of want him to be himself around you

Julia: its like that smile is glued on your face, kensi your so happy and its so cute seeing you in love, you fell hard for this one

I fall in love with him over and over again each day. He's the perfect guy and on my God I'm still wearing my ear piece. He may have heard all of that over the comm. My entire team probably heard all of this

Julia: well that's fine, your still happy

I took out my ear piece and continued a conversation about deeks with my mom then he showed up half an hour later with our clothes, Chinese take or from yummy yummy heart attack and some beers, then he sat beside me and said "I was really enjoying the talk you were having with your mom, why'd you take out the ear piece?" I replied "it was a private conversation, but I meant every word of it. I love you Deeks"

Deeks: I love you too fern, come here

I sat closer to him and he leaned in so we could share a short but emotion filled powerful kiss and I snuggled up to him sitting on his lap with his arms hugging my body

Deeks: before I met you it was just me I had to look out for and there was nobody watching out for me. Meeting you gave me a family and great friends, I love you and you are most definitely the best thing that's ever happened to me

I love you too

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