her again

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Kensi's POV

I woke up to the smell of pancakes so I went downstairs to find deeks in the kitchen making breakfast, he had the music loud so I snuck up being him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned to face me and kissed me on the lips then said "how do you make my t shirt look so sexy" he sat me up on the kitchen counter and I wrapped my legs around his waist as we passionately kissed, when both our cell phones started ringing. We both ignored it for a few minutes then I finally looked at the message calling us into ops

Deeks: ok, I'll get our breakfast to go while you get dressed

I went upstairs and dressed myself then joined deeks in the car where we ate on our way to work. When we walked into the bullpen we went straight up to ops where we met the rest of the team and Nell started to brief us on the case and that's when I saw her

Nell: DEA agent Talia Del campo is need our help protecting her. She had a partner who is believed to have been turned and before he could talk he was shot and killed right in front of her and she shot the killer. She's now at a safe house

Callen: alright, kensi and deeks go find Talia while sam and I make a stop over to the DEA

Deeks and I left out to the safe house and he knocked on the door, she let us both on and I could see her staring at his ass. She's not someone I wanted to ever see again but I put my personal feelings aside to focus on the case

Talia: deeks you are looking good

Deeks: I feel goods talia, how about we head down to the boat shed so you can tell us what happened?

Talia: yeah

We were on our way out when a white van drove by shooting and everything happened so fast, deeks and I started shooting back and a bullet came flying myu way but he took me out of harm's way. The shooters all got away and he brushed the dust off of me and his hand lingered on my face

Deeks: I'm glad you ok, you got a little distracted there fern

I was busy shooting at the driver that I missed the one who came out, luckily I have you watching my back

Deeks: you've saved me plenty of times, I have to catch up. We should head to the boat shed before some other bunch of crazy dudes try to murder us

Talia: you've never made more sense in your life Marty

We left out and went into the boat shed where talia stood explaining everything to us and Deeks Said "it spounds like you had one tough morning"

Talia: I'm a big girl, what was your morning like Marty?

Deeks: my morning was good, I was making breakfast for my ladybird having a nice time when we were interrupted by a call from ops

Talia: when its not meant to be its just not meant to be. You phone has been going off since you came for me and I last left with you and kensi having feelings you didn't want to admit so she must be the ladybird so who's the caller?

Deeks: nobody that can't wait

Talia: your ladybirds looks like she wants to know who nobody is

I actually want to get this case over with so we can get home

Deeks: Kens ah, I have somewhere I need to go real quick so you keep Talia company and in an hour or so I'll be back

I gave him a confused look wanting an explanation but got nothing so I said ok and he left out leaving me alone with talia

Talia: so kensi, how are things?

Good, what about you. You've had a rough start to your day and I've lost a partner before so I know what your going through and I'm here for you

Talia: that means a lot thanks

We talked about the case for a while then sat in silence until deeks returned still with no explanation of where he went. He brought us some donuts and fresh coffee then I said "so where did you go?"

Deeks: there was a problem with the plumbing at my new place and I was showing the guys where the leak was

It seemed fine this morning

Deeks: well that's because you used the upstairs bathroom. Callen and sam headed undercover at the agency that clears us to get jobs here and we're supposed to be taking to the wife. I think her name is Emily. Talia do you know her?

Talia: never met her

Mark has been your partner for fifteen years and you've never met his wife? It sounds to me like your partner was hiding something

Talia: we sometimes worked all nighgters and he didn't want his wife to get the wrong idea because I look like this. He also wanted to protect her from the job

Deeks: anyone special your protecting from the job talia?

She ran her fingers through his hair and said "I'm still waiting on you deeks" then she walked out to the car and he said "sorry about that"

I'm going to take the high road on this one

Deeks: as opposed to?

Bleeding her out. He let out a light laugh and put his arm across my shoulder as we walked to the car

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