vacation part 2

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Kensi's POV

We're only one day in to our Hawaiian vacation, but so fat everything has been perfect. After my talk with maya I fouinmd out that there was sometninmg bothering her in her relationship with jordan and we spent the entire night talking it over so we're good. I'm so happy to be pregnant with a new life, nothing can ruinm my good mood and I'm already so in love with baby number three. Deeks and I are sitting on them couch along side the other adults while the kids try their hanmd at making breakfast

Deeks: I've been thinking about some stuff

What kind of stuff

Deeks: well for starters this baby, I know your not past the first trimester yet, but I have a feeling this will be a baby girl so I've been thinking of what we should name her. If it so happens that I'm wrong about this being a girl I have a few boy names in mind too and when I was out this morning I got this teddy bear that works for either a boy or a girl

I didn't think you'd be this excited for another kid

Deeks: that was the best news I've gotten all year and I don't know about you but we have two empty rooms to fill so after this one we'll need Nat least one more

I think you should slow your role there. I'm overly excited for this baby so how nabout we focus on this one before thinking about a fourth?

Deeks: I meant in a couple of years from now.

What names doid you come up with? This should be really interesting

Deeks: well if its a boy that's a no brainier, he can have my name and you did say then next on could so we're agreed on that

You know when I said that I had no plans on having a next one but its ok because I like it, you've put a lot of thought in this baby being a girl so let's hear what you've picked out for her

Deeks: we should go with Emma if its a girl. What do you think?

I think we're having a boy, but I love both of your choices, Emma's perfect for a little girl. You just made me so much more excited for this

Talia: I thought you'd be miserable during this pregnancy but you are the happiest pregnant woman I've ever met. You could be having the worst day and you walk carounmd with the biggest smile on your face

It's hard not to smile when I think about having a whole new person to love and I know will love me right back. Mason and Maya already get along so well so I know they won't have a problem with a new baby brother or sister and I think their a pretty amazing bunch, so adding another one or two will be good

Sam: I remember a time when you didn't like kids

Its not that I didn't like kids, I didn't want kids of my own because we get to see all the bad things that are happening in the world and I thought why would I want to bring a kid into that? Deeks changed my mind that day when he was telling me all the good parts of having a baby. It actually made sense and I realized that kids aren't that bad

Callen: it sounds like our kids are having a war in the kitchen

Talia: those girls are terrible cooks so we should probably go out for breakfast. Disaster is in their future

We all know that, but their actually not distracted with phones or the baby so their focused. Maybe this time it will be edible

Talia: last time maya and sasha offered to cook they used sugar instead of salt on everything and they don't read spice labels, they just threw everything in there. I got food poisoning and so did you and everyone else

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