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Kensi's POV

We all rushed into ops to check the GPS on callen's phone and get a location on Talia. When Eric and Nell found the location on the cell phone they checked street camera footage and pulled up a video of the crash and talia being taken pout of her car unconscious by a man dressed in a black hoodie. He stuffed her in the back of his car and drove off

Callen: Eric, Nell find that car. I need to know where she is

Nell: we're already working on it but with no plates it won't be easy and this guy avoids the came as so kaleidescope has a hard time tracking him

Callen: how long has it been since the accident?

Nell: only a few minutes. She sent out the agent needs assistance alert before he took her from the car maybe twenty minutes ago

We'll head down to the crime scene to see if we find anything

Callen: the guy wore gloves and didn't show his face, there's nothing there that can find her

We won't be ensure unless we go there. Eric and nell are working on finding her, maybe you should stay up here with them

Callen: and do nothing? I'll be more useful out looking for her

We headed out to the crimes scene and looked for evidence but callen was right, their was nothing to find. We talked to witnesses who weren't helpful at all so we all went back up to ops hoping eric and nell found something. Its been almost three hours of nothing when Talia's picture popped up on all the monitors up in ops. She looked like she was bound with zip ties and been through a lot. She Awas dirty but looked more sad than afraid

Callen: where is this coming from?

Nell: the signal is bouncing from country to country so it's impossible to trace but I'm working on it

A while later a live streaming video popped up on screen. There was talia in the corner and a masked man facing the camera

*The video*

Victor: agent callen I have somethingnthat belongs to you. Your a difficult man to get to and when I saw you with her time and time again I thought I finally know how to get under his skin. She's beautiful and a fighter. The girl fought like hell to get out of here. I want you to watch carefully at what happens next

He walked over to talia and gripped her by her hairand once she got on her feet he slapped her down to the ground

Victor: you ok princess, you know this is all callen's fault. Say something, he's watching

Talia: you hit like a bitch. Is their anything your good at?

Victor: shut up you psychotic bitch. She I kill you I'll really enjoy it and callen I'm doing you a favor by getting rid of this one. I don't know how you do it because a all I want to do is slam her face into Tue nearest wall

He pulled talia up my her hair and threw her against the wall

Victor: I finally  got that annoying little bitch to shut up

While he was busy talking to callen talia freed herself from her zip ties and nearly killed him. Hen creamed out for help when four big men restrained her

Victor: you insane bitch, you'll pay for this

Talia: you had your fun hitting me and I'm pretty sure your the only one who screamed like a little bitch. You better hope for your sake they vfind me because the next time I get free your a goner. Consider yourself a dead man walking and Victor I know its you behind that mask. This isn't about callen, your upsert that I rejected you. Your pride got hurt when I said you can't handle a woman like me. I realized on the ride here. I hurt your pride and now you want to hurt me but you see how that backfired. I'm pretty sure you need a doctor

Victor: pretty soon you'll need a medical examiner

Talia: well look who knows big words

Victor: turn off the cameras. do it now!

*video ends*

Callen: do we have a location? Please tell me you know where she is

Nell: she's smart, she said van so we tracked the switch over from that car and it led to a warehouse owned by Victor Rodriguez. I already alerted swat team to meet you there

We grabbed our gear and rushed out to the location. Callen didn't want to wait for new at who were five minutes out so we rushed inside and shot our way down to the room where Talia laid bleeding on the floor in her bra and her jeans. Callen ran over to her and wrapped her up in his jacket and we all went out of the building. Their was an ambulance waiting and they gave her a few stitches

Talia: I'm fine ok, I don't need to go to a hospital for a few cuts and bruises

Callen:its not a few cuts and bruises. You have fractured ribs and he stabbed you in the stomach

Talia: it wasn't that deep, the paramedics did their jobs. All I want is to go home and hold my baby. I'm fine callen

Paramedic: its not the best idea for you to go home right now, you should get your head wound checked out but if you are going home you'll need someone staying with you because you'll be on bed rest for the next few weeks. With your injures walking alone will be painful

Callen: if you want to go home then I'll take you home but I'm still calling a doctor who can make home visits and I'll take care of you as long as it takes. Just the thought of loosing you almost tore me apart. I love you and I'll do whatever it takes for you to be ok. What you did in there almost got you killed Talia

Talia: if I'd just came out and said he switched cars you wouldn't have been able to find me in time. I had faith in you so are you saying I shouldn't trust you?

Callen: I hate it when you do that. You did good in there and your a hell of a lot stronger than I thought so remind me never to piss you off

Talia: gladly. I really want to go home

Callen: and I really want you home so let's go. We need to forget about today and all those other bad days

Talia: I'm all for that idea. Let's get out of here

They both left together in callen car and headed home

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