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Kensi's POV

Its been two months since my mom's accident and she's doing much better now so I went back to my place but didn't stay there long, I got a few tuning and went to deeks place with him where I spend most nights. He made us dinner and we went up to bed together. I was wearing a really short pair of shorts and one of his t shirts while he only wore boxers and I snuggled up to him in bed

Deeks: I love you fern

I love you too shaggy. He pulled me in for a kiss then said "goodnight baby" I fell asleep wrapped up in his arms. The next morning I woke up to an empty bed so I walked downstairs to find him on setting up the table for breakfast and I helped then we ate together, after breakfast we both got into the shower together then he said "is everything ok with us" I replied "everything is fine, why do you ask?"

Deeks: you've been extra quiet this morning and I thought maybe I did something wrong

Well you did do something wrong deeks, I haven't been kissed yet.

Deeks: we can fix that. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as we shared a deep and passionate kiss as the warm water from the shower poured onto our naked bodies. He then pushed inside me while my back was against the wall and I moaned loudly in pure pleasure, he went deeper and deeper inside me as we both reached our high and we were both breathless for a while, after pour steamy shower we got dressed for work. When we walked into the bullpen we were met by sam, Callen and DEA agent Talia Del Campo who was sitting on my desk

Sam: you two seem happy this morning.

It was a good morning. Talia, to want do we owe the pleasure?

Talia: apparently our cases crossed over again so as the lead on the investing I've decided to let you guys help. Our target is the new Mexican drug dealer and I've been undercover for the past month but nobody ever gets to meet this Alex guy. Their having a pool party and I'd be glad to have you as my plus one

Plus one, let me think about that

Callen: kensi we need you to go undercover with talia, she's our only way in at the moment and her cover is good

What's our cover?

Talia: I'm a model from Brazil and your my sister. We can use our real first names. I've been working this for over a month and they search you so its best we keep our guns in the car. The DEA gave me a lipstick cam to take pictures ofalex so that's all we got

Hetty: I hate the idea of sending agents in dangerous situations unarmed so be careful out there. You ladies can get suited up in wardrobe

Talia: lead the way kensi

I walked talia over to wardrobe where we changed into our two piece swim suits and let our hair down. We went pout to the car where deeks was standing

Talia: we have to get going

Deeks: be careful out there baby

I'm always careful and take your own advice alright

Deeks: ok.

He gave me a peck on the lips and mouthed "I love you as we left out. When we got there I went in with talia and we looked around for a bit until we noticed a cabana with extra security zso we went over when one of the security guards stopped us

Talia: we're just looking for some shade boys

The man kept pushing us away when a guy who's probably his boss came over. He was younger and very handsome, he introduced himself to us as Alex and talia used her lip stick cam to take pictures of him while I went over to the only guy at the party not having any fun. He was sitting at his computer and I got a glimpse of what he was working on. The guard said he didn't speak English so I spoke to him in Spanish but he wasn't in a partying mood. I kept trying and was able to place a tracker on him when the guard came at me to and steed to pull me away but talia came to defend me and he tried to get rid of him both so together we kicked his ass causing everyone else to flee

Talia: you can be my plus one any day

No, you can be mine. We make a pretty good team you and I

Talia: no doubt about that. Are you ready to ditch this party and go where men actually treat women with respect?

Its like you read my mind.

We went back to ops where we stood behind a screen changing while updating deeks and Callen

Deeks: ok hey guy

Callen: yeah

Deeks: can we take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness happening behind that screen?

Callen: yes guy we can

After our day was near completion we headed into the armory to return the weapons used then callen said "nice having you around Talia"

Talia: you know we should hang out sometime

Callen: yeah

Talia: go to a clippers game, grab some beers

Callen: rockets are in town this weekend

Deeks turned to them and said " I'm usually the object of your inappropriate work space attention and callen I thought we had plans this weekend"

Callen: this is exactly why I didn't commit to you deeks

Goodnight deeks

Deeks: where are you going? I thought we were hanging out

I made plans with talia. We're going to sit on my couch and talk while eating ice cream. Females only

Talia: females only, although I'm not sure if that means your invited or not

Callen and I laughed at Talia's statment then deeks said "I know your not sure but I know she is. Kensi's definitely sure"

I punched him in the arm then Callen said " more things I can't in hear"

Goodnight guys. Talia and I left out for our girls night leaving the boys behind. Talia and I stopped for two pints of ice cream then we went over to my place where we spent the night talking

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