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Keep in mind that it's ten years later

Kensi's POV

It's been a long ride with my family and friends. We've had our ups and downs, but the good outweighs the bad every time. Things has been so great for us. After sasha and Maya graduated college Maya married her highschool boyfriend jordan who's now a doctor. Chief of surgery at St Anne's hospital here in Los Angeles and they live five minutes away with their three children Makenzie, Martin and Jordan Jr. Martin and Mackenzie are five years old and jordan Jr is only a week old. My daughter is very happy and I'm happy for her

Mason just graduated law school with his fiancé who studied to be a pediatrician. They finally returned home today and we're welcoming them with a party. If you haven't guessed already my son ended up with his longtime frenemy Aniyah. I always knew those two would end up having a happy ever after. Apparently they have big news to share with the family so we'll wait for that

Emily's enjoying her ten year old life. She loves that Maya picks her up every weekend for their little sleepovers and she enjoys babysitting her niece and nephews. Even though we expected a baby boy and with all her complication at birth she's a hvery healthy and happy child and her bond with her dad is unbreakable. She loves every minute with Deeks and me which is so sweet. Those are my three, as for the Callen bunch their doing pretty great themselves. Kaitlin's twelve years old and she has a nine year old sister named Kayla and a one year old brother named Ashton. And as for Callen and Talia's baby Logan he's want you'd call a ladies man at eleven years old. Our bunch did pretty well for themselves if you ask me

Everyone gathered at our house where we started setting up for dinner while Maya nursed her son

Mason: shouldn't you go do that in your room sis?

Maya: mom their here

Mason: are you planning onm letting me see my nephew? I would have been here for his nbirth but we got snowed in

Maya: your the one who decided to move to new York leaving your family behind, but sure, this is JJ and you suck at holding babies so support his head and back this time

Mason: you almost drop one kid and get labelled for life. Babe do you want to hold him?

Aniyah: I have a bad case of the flu and he's only a week old so he doesn't need to get sick and, I need to get our bags from the car

Mason: I'll get those, you go up to my room and lay down for a while. I'll be up in a minute

Aniyah: I'm going to let our parents know I'm here first. Where are they now?

Maya: where they come now and they didn't even know you two were dating and now your engaged

We knew, they've been dating for four years. We have a problem with them never coming to visit. In the last four years we've seen you once in person

Mason: we Skype everyday and with our schedules that says a lot

Do you want a round of applause for calling the people who gave you life?

Mason: well we did say we had big news and since your already starting we should just tell you now. We're moving back home. Our things are being moved as we speak. Didn't you notice you have new neighbors moving in about five houses down

Talia: this is such great news. It will be nice having my baby home. I would hug you but your redder than a tomato and I don't need to get sick

Aniyah: I get it, but I'm past the contagious stage. It's down to a fever and headache's

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