wedding day

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Kensi's POV

So its been quite some time now, deeks and I are finally getting married today and I'm so excited that its overwhelming. I thought I'd be nervous as hell to be doing this but I'm not at all. I feel like this is the best decision I've ever made. As I stand here in the mirror getting dressed I couldn't help but to smile just thinking about him. We left our hotel room and headed down to the spot on the beach where the wedding was talking place. I sat in the car with sam watching everyone walk down the aisle until finally it was my turn, he opened the door for me and walked me to deeks who had the biggest and most contagious smile on his face that only made my smile grow bigger. When he took my hand he looked me in the eye and said "I'm the luckiest man on earth, you are beautiful its breathtaking" I replied saying "I'm the lucky one, I get you"

Deeks: I guess we're both pretty lucky then

I guess so, are you ready to do this shaggy?

Deeks: oh I'm so ready. I've been waiting for this day all my life

We stood before the priest in front of our family and friends and recited pur vows to one another. It was so beautiful what he said to me that I was in tears, tears of joy. He makes me so happy and I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with this incredibly amazing human being that loves me for me and never wants me to change.

Our wedding was beautiful. It was really one of the best days of my life. I'm truly blessed to have found someone like Martin Deeks. He's the love of my life and that's something I'll never let go of. The reception was held in the ball room of the hotel where I stayed with the girls and we had an amazing evening dancing and having the time of our lives. It was such a memorable night we had with all of our favorite people

We have a eighteen month old son and a now five year old baby girl and we're happy as can be. I have a feeling we have more kids in our future but the future is far, far away. Right now we're enjoying each other and the kids we have now

Talia's POV

Our lives have been one amazing roller coaster ride after the next, we have our ups and downs but at the end of the day we're still one big happy family. I've been happily married to callen for about two months now and things are perfect on this end. Our baby is now two years old now and she's the light of our lives, things couldn't possibly get better. If I had known I would have found love working with the NCIS team I would have went there a long time ago. I finally feel like things couldn't possibly get any better than this.

Aniyah: Mama

Yes my little angel? What can mama do for you?

Aniyah: come play mama

I would love that so much. Let's go set Dada to play with us too. Can Dada play?

She shook her head saying yes and callen and I went outside to go play with our little angel who was running around in the yard laughing with us as we both tried to catch up to her

Nell's POV

Eric and I are making a huge step in our relationship, we moved in together and decided to tell our friends who mall kind of already had a pretty good idea of what was going on between us. Nobody's discussing marriage or kids because we have all the time in the world for that stuff. All we want to do right now is be happy as a couple and so far its going great. Life is good at this end

Eric: so where will all my clothes fit into this closet Nell?

I left space for your things at the back of the closet. I need more space but I will compromise. Are you enjoying us living together so far?

Eric: its great, being able to wake up next to you every morning and say goodnight to you every evening is perfect, your perfect and I love being with you. I love everything that has to do with you Nell

That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me. I love you Eric

Eric: I love you too

Hetty's POV

I love watching on how well things are going for my family. I feel like their all my children. Keeping them safe is my job and that's what any mother would want for her kids. I raised callen since he was a young boy so I'm closest to him than any other and I'm happy to see he fell in love with a beautiful woman and is a parent to that beautiful little girl. I thought him finding love would have taken longer because he kept to himself all the time. He's changed into a family man and he's happy.

Mr Hanna has his wife and kids and he's also a happy man. Ms Jones and Mr Beale are taking big steps with their relationship but not too big. The pace their going at is a good one and as for Mr and Mrs Deeks their as happy as can be. When no recruited Mr deeks it was because I needed someone for kensi to finally I open up to and it took time, but it happened. Their both very happy parents to their two beautiful kids and I love watching them together. True love can't hide and they don't even try to hide how much they love one another anymore. Their love is pure and beautiful. As for the assistant director Owen granger he's still a grumpy old man and he may not show or say it, but he loves this family just as much as the rest of us. Its not a big exchange but he's not as grumpy as he used to be so that's progress

So I'm thinking of skipping ahead a few years, tell me what you guys think about that. Comment because I value your thoughts and opinions

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