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Kensi's POV

Deeks and I are doing so great together, things are good and sometimes we act like an adorable old married couple. We walked into the bullpen to find callen and sam seated at their desks. Callen looked more tired than usual so I asked "what's up callen?"

Callen: I'm good, I'm living with a woman who's seven and a half months pregnant and I spent the night in the emergency room with her waiting for the baby to come because she started having contractions but she's good now

She still has a ten more weeks left before her due date so be patient

Callen: I am patient, I'm just worried about her. Its too early for her to be feeling like that. I feel like I should be home with her but she's stubborn, she says she doesn't need a babysitter

Then she probably doesn't. yes she's stubborn but so are you. Did the doctor say she's ok?

Callen: he said she'll be fine once she takes her medication and she did so I guess she is ok. Your pretty wise sometimes, even sam didn't know what to tell me and he has two kids

Sam: I told you to leave your girlfriend alone

I get some of my best advice from sam. Do we have any new cases yet?

Sam: not yet so callen should get some sleep before he drives me crazy. I'm going to get some coffee. You guys want any?

Callen: I'll take a cup

Deeks: make that two

Sam: anything for you Kens?

No, I'm trying to lay off cafeen for a while. I'm trying to make a few changes

Deeks: since when? You need coffee and sugar in the morning or you'll be in a bad mood

That's not true, since we don't have a case let's go get in a few rounds while Sam's out getting your pumpkin spice latte

Deeks: alright partner

We changed into our work out gear and headed Into the gym where we stretched doing some yoga

Deeks: I thought you wanted to go a few rounds not try yoga positions

I'm all for beating you up but I wouldn't want you to injure our baby

Deeks: Kens are you serious?

I'm serious. he picked me up hugging me then said "this is so amazing. I love you so much" we were caught up in a passionate kiss when hetty walked in on us

Deeks: I could have sworn I saw hetty walk by. She's behind me isn't she?

Hetty: I see we'll need a new rule to avoid me walking in on moments like this

Deeks: I'm sorry hetty, she gave me the best news of my life and I just reacted

Exactly how much of our conversation did you hear?

Hetty: all of it and congratulations to you both. Ms Blye you do realize that I'm not sending a pregnant agent out in the field don't you? Its a risk I'll never take

I realize that but I could still go when we're talking to the family. I promise I'll stay out of danger and deeks won't let me do anything that could get me or the baby hurt

Hetty: We have a case. Your both needed up in ops immediately

We followed hetty up to ops where Eric and Nell briefed the entire team and granger said "Blye I need you with me, we're going to pay a visit to Diego and his men, your the best shooter"

Hetty: that won't work. Ms Blye isn't going into dangerous situations that will most likely result in a fire fight

Granger: it comes with the job Henrietta

Hetty: take Mr Hanna

Granger: fine

Callen: ok kensi and I you two go inform the wife while deeks joins sam and granger

Kensi: why can't you stay with your partner and I stay with mine? That works best for everyone

Granger: no it doesn't. callen has issues following directions and deeks talks too much so either way it doesn't work for me. Keep deeks, sam and I can handle diego and his crew

Callen: that works for me. I'm driving

We headed out with callen to the Vega house and the deceased mariner's very pregnant wife Tatiana Vega let us in

Tatiana: did you find my husband? Did you find Valentino?

I'm so sorry Mrs Vega, but LAPD found your husband's body early this morning

Tatiana: no it can't be him, maybe they got it wrong. He can't be gone.

Callen showed her a photo for a positive identification and it made her break down in tear. Deeks was able to calm her, then we all sat down in her living room to talk. After a few routine questions deeks went outside to keep her little boy busy and we watched from through the glass door

Tatiana: he's great with kids, billy doesn't like much people

Yeah, he's good at that

Tatiana: how far along are you?

come again?

Tatiana: I study human behavior and I've never been wrong. I know that agent callen is trying to focus on this case here but is really worried about something else. He's focused but  worried

Callen: I'm worried about my girlfriend, she's seven months pregnant and home alone on bed rest

Tatiana: first kid? She's probably fine. Trust me it will ease your mind if you call  and let her tell you she's ok

Callen: she did already so I'm good and fully focused on finding who murdered captain Vega

Tatiana: I trust that. Agent Blye I've noticed something about you too. Your obviously very much in love with your partner and he feels the same. You don't do anything to give it away but you can't change the way you look at each other and you can always tell two people in love by the way they look at each other. He's also really happy even though he's trying to be serious

I'm eight weeks along and I just told him this morning. He loves kids and we talked about in a few months ago, then it happened for us and we're both really happy. I think he's happy enough for the both of us so I'll let him be happy

Tatiana: congratulations, your going to be great at this and you have him. He's obviously built for that stuff

Yeah, I guess he is. Thank you for your time, you can be sure to call if you need anything or remember anything about the case do you have someone helping with your son?

Tatiana: my mom lives with us. She came to help me out a few days ago. Thanks for your concern and I'm sorry for putting you on the spot because you obviously didn't tell agent callen as yet

Its ok, he's family and I was going to tell him later

We grabbed deeks,, said our goodbyes and left out. callen was driving so he stopped by his house where we met talia walking out with her jeans covered in blood and we all got out and went over to her as callen called 911

Cliffhanger....... Next chapter will be posted soon if my mom stops bugging me it will be up before midnight

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