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Holy Jesus was I ever nervous. I was parked about a block away from the shop and from finally meeting my dad. I literally felt like I was sweating buckets. Ugh, why was I feeling this nervous?! I know I was so close to meet my dad for the first time and all, but I shouldn't be this bad. Sitting there a little while longer I finally put out my cigarette and climbed back on my bike. Putting my helmet on I started it and listened to the roar of the engine as I pulled out heading the short ways down to the garage.

Pulling in I saw so many bike lined up along the left side of what looked like a bar and straight in front of me was the garage. As soon as I pulled in though I noticed most of the guys turned to look at me. The ones working in the garage stopped what they were doing and were talking to one another, laughed, then walked forward. I stopped and got off my bike. Looking around I saw that the bikers that had been sitting in front of the bar had all stood up and were looking my way. Taking off my sunglasses I turned around to face the garage and saw a few greased up tatted guys walking towards me and whispering to one another. One of them had bright blue eyes with crazy curly black hair and black facial hair to match, the other one had dark brown hair with silver streaks through out it and some really interesting scars on his cheeks, the other had longish blonde hair. They both had sly smile plastered on their faces, but the blonde had a smile that could literally make you melt.


Tig and I were working on a car that was brought in earlier in the day when we heard the sound of a bike pull up to the garage. I paid no mind to it until Tig hit my shoulder and pointed out toward where the sound had come from. I moved out from under the hood and saw who had caught his attention. Straddling a beautiful black Harley was an equally beautiful girl with black and silver hair. She was wearing a black shredded tank with tight light blue jeans on that were worn out on the knees and thighs. I caught myself staring at her and looked over to Tig, who seemed to be doing the same thing. The sound of a door closing caught my attention, but not Tig's he was too busy drooling.

"What's going on guys?" Jackie asked stepping out into the shop. He noticed Tig didn't even acknowledge him so he said, "What's he so focus-" He stopped mid sentence when he followed Tig's line of sight. "Oh, I can see why he's distracted. Who's that?

"Your guess is as good as mine Jackie boy." I said turning my attention from him back to the girl.

"Well since you old fucks aren't gonna go say hi I might as well." Jackie was about to walk past us when Tig seemed to snap out of his little world. He put his arm up to hold Jax back and said,

"Nah, I think we can handle this." He never took his eyes off her.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say he's in lov-" Before he could finish his sentence Tig put his hand over Jax's mouth.

"Shh, shhh, shh, shhhh. Don't jinx it." Jax pushed his hand away and just shook his head. Tig was the first one to walk forward. Before I followed suit I looked at Jackie and said,

"If this doesn't work out," I motioned towards Tig and the girl. "Then I wanna chance with her next." Jax looked over at me like I was joking. "Wot?" I asked as I wiped my hands on a rag and began walking.

"Oh, you not joking," Laughs as he follows me. "Why would she go for an old fuck like you? You could be her grandpa." Taking the rag I hit him with it.

"I'm not tha old....!" Jackie looked away from me from the tone in my voice. "Maybe I could be her dad" I said smiling and nudging Jax. He looked at me and laughed.

All three of us walked up to her and just to mess with Tig I talked to her first.


"Can we 'elp ya sweethear?" The one with the scars asked in a thick Scottish accent which surprised me. I definitely wasn't expecting that, but not gonna lie it did make him like twenty times more attractive. The black haired one looked over at the Scot, giving him a dirty look then back at me. I couldn't help but smile.

"Uh, yea actually I think so. I'm looking for Alex Trager? Do any of you know where I can find him?" I looked at all three of them. The black haired one smiled big at the other two and they just looked a bit shocked. The black haired one turned back to me and then put his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm Alex, you can call me Tig though." I got a big smile on my face and asked if we could talk in a slightly more private place.


Tig pushed past both Jax and I and lead her into the garage.

"Did tha just happen?" I asked looking at Jax. He looked just as baffled as I felt.

"I don't-Why was she looking for him?"

We both watched as Tig lead her into the garage so that they could talk. A few minutes passed by when all of a sudden Tig stormed out of the garage, past us, hopped on his bike and took off. Looking back I saw the girl just standing there looking a little lost.

"You wanna take this?" Jax turned to me and asked.

"Sure you don' want to?"

"Nah, I'm good. I don't do well around emotional women. You saw how my last marriage went." He said as he walked off towards the club.

I couldn't help, but laugh to myself as I walked over to her. She looked like she was about to cry, so I became more serious and walked up to her.


"Wha's a matter dear? Why do you look so sad?" Asked the Scots man as he walked up and leaned on the work bench a crossed from me. I sighed and tried to think whether I should tell him everything I just told Tig or not. Fuck it! Why not. Clearing my throat I took a breath and said,

"Well I guess I should start off by saying why I'm here."

"Which involves Tig somehow."

"Yea, uh, he's kinda..." I took another deep breath in to calm my nerves. "He's kinda my, uh, dad."

There was a good little stretch of silence that lingered in the air before anyone said anything. Which didn't really help with my emotions at the moment. The silence was quickly interrupted by the Scots man laughing slightly. I was really confused.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?!" I couldn't hold back my anger so I walked up to him and hit his shoulder. It was a slight issue I had always had. My grandmother said I had got my temper and just general weirdness from my dad. Apparently he only found my reaction funny because he laughed harder and I couldn't deal with this. I went to hit him again, but he caught my hand saying,

"Ow, hey" He said between laughs as he rubbed his shoulder. "Sorry, sorry, it's jus somethin I remembered from earlier," Coughing he made himself become more serious. "But I honestly am sorry about the way Tig reacted to you tellin him tha. Trus me he jus needs too cool down and he'll come back and sit down to actually talk to you bout it. He just needs to clear his head a bit. How bout this love, we go inside and have a drink on me? We can wait for him to get back. Sound good?"

"Make it drinks and we got a deal." I said looking up at him and trying not to smile.

"You sure are Tig's kid." He said rolling his eyes and smiling Slinging his arm over my shoulder while guiding me towards the bar we started talking.

"Oh by the way I'm Darcy." I said holding out my hand.

"I'm Chibs" He said after taking my hand and shaking it.

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