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"Okay, we have all your things, right?" I say to Zoe.

"Yes your boyfriend is carrying everything." Zoe says smiling at me.

I blushed a little bit. It's true he is carrying almost everything but every time I try to help he insists on doing it by himself. Ugh Casp why do you have to be so sweet.

Today Zoe comes home! I am unbelievable excited that Zoe will be home. It's been two weeks since she scared us all and she is doing so much better. She's not going back to school but at least she will be home. We can binge watch tv again, and talk about things till 1am.

There are now also bunk beds in Troyes room and Caspar has officially moved in. My life couldn't be more perfect.

Casp and I were driving Zoe home cause Mum was working. While we are taking Zoe home Alfie was setting up my house for a romantic dinner. Ugh Zalfie so cute.

"Okay Zoe, you ready?" I say grinning at her.

She smiles and nods so I help her out of bed. Shes dressed in black jeans and a white collar t-shirt and chunky boots. Louise had been here earlier and helped Zoe with her makeup. For the first time in a long time she looks herself. She still doesn't have hair and won't for awhile because of the kemo, but she is smiling again and her face is full of life and that's what's important.

I hold Zoe's hand to help her walk since she is still weak. Caspar takes my other hand and the 3 of us walk to my car.

"Who's sitting in the back?" I ask. "I know you both want to sit with me" I joke.

"Do we." Caspar says playfully nudging a me.

"Yeah, maybe we will both sit in the back together." Zoe says.

"Yeah! Who needs you!" Caspar says. 

So Caspar and Zoe sit in the back as I drive us all home. They joke around and giggle but they won't tell me what about. I pretend to be annoyed but I actually love it. My two best friends becoming friends, I love it.

"Hey Alfies car is here." Zoe says as we pull into the driveway.

I look back at Caspar and we giggle.

"What's going on guys?" Zoe says as she gets out of the car.

I go around and get Zoe stuff out of the boot the Casp and I follow Zoe up the drive way. Zoe pushes open the door to our house. She lets out a small gasp when she sees the hallway. There are candles lining the hallway and a pathway of rose pelts.

"Alfie!" Zoe calls.

"In here!" Alfie calls from the kitchen.

The 3 of walk down the hall and around the corner. Alfie stands in the middle of the room, he is dressed in a tuxedo and holds a dozen roses.

"Welcome back beautiful!" Alfie says grinning at Zoe.

Zoe runs over and hugs Alfie, who picks her up and spins her around. Then gently kisses her cheek.

"I missed you." Alfie says

"Missed you more Alf." Zoe says and kisses his cheek.

"I made dinner for us." Alfie says.

"We are going to go out for dinner." Caspar says "see you love birds later."

We get into my car and I look over at Caspar. He grins at me and grabs my hand.

"What do you wanna do tonight gorgeous." Caspar says.

"I don't care as long as I am with you." I say.

"Our spot? With Pizza?" Caspar says.

"That sounds like our first date, I love it."

I lean in a gently peck Caspar's lips. It felt amazing like a routine but the best kind. I could imagine doing this everyday for the rest of my life.

We grab a pizza and head to our spot. We sit on the hood of my car and eat pizza. Once the pizza eating is down we cuddle on the hood of my car.

"I love you Caspie." I whisper.

Caspar doesn't say anything. The silence starts to hurt me. Why isn't he saying I love you too or kissing me or something. What is happening.

"Joe I can't." He says his voice shaking I sit up and he does the same.

"Caspar what's happening?" I ask.

"I can't do this anymore." Caspar says tears streaming down her cheeks.

It hits me like a knife. No he can't. Not now. Not ever. Two seconds ago I was happy.

"Are you breaking up with me?" I whisper

"I think I am Joe."

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