The Truth

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Elena's POV
"Tell us what's going on!" Olivia screams as she busts through the door.

"What's wrong Brook?" Stefan asks our shy son at the corner.

"We were taking and then we found out that we share the same half sister and aunt. And I also found out that I'm part vampire." Brooklyn says.

"Come on you guys, we'll tell you everything." I say as they sit on the bed.

"Elena?" Stefan questions as nod, indicating him to tell the truth.

"It all started when we were in High School, we fell in love. Stefan was a vampire while I was a doppleganger. We had ups and downs, met our dopplegangers, dogged fate, went through everything till I was turned. I was sired to your uncle Damon, I was in coma with a spell by a witch, came to life, Stefan was married go a divorce then we found our way to each other, I died again and came alive pregnant... with the two of you." I say.

"Are you trying to say we are siblings, I thought it was a joke." Olivia says.

"I'm sorry sweetie." I apologise.

"NO! You took my dad away from me for 13 yeas of my life and you expect me to be okay with this? With me having a twin. My whole life I felt a half of me has disappeared but apparently I have a twin." Olivia screams as she storms out. I look at Brooklyn who's sat there in awe.

"Stefan, please talk to her. She won't listen to me, she needs her father... Please..." I beg as I cry in his arms.

"I'l go talk to her, please. I hate it, your my weakness and seeing you cry makes me wanna die. Please, I'll go talk to her." He says as he places me on the bed and leaves to talk to Olivia.

"Hey mom." Brook says as he places his hand on my shoulder.

"Brook, I know it's a lot to take in but please understand. I love you and I never wanted to leave you or you dad." I tell him.

"Then why did you, leave me and my dad alone. He cried himself to sleep every night, drink till he was wasted and left me at day care overnight." He told me.

"I don't know... maybe because I wasn't ready for commitment. But now I want to stay with you until my last breath." I say as laid his head on my lap and patted his head.

A/N: Hey guys! So now we know who's the mature one and some answers. just a reminder, I'm open to suggestions. Don't forget to vote and leave a comment, I love hearing from you guys and till next time... Byeeee!

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