Chapter 15

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Kind of just a filler chapter. Got a few messages to update so i decided i'd be nice. Also, comment or message me if you have any suggestions. That'd help a lot and i'd be able to update faster. Enjoy this chapter! (Although i doubt you'll like me when you finish...)  <3

Camila's P.O.V- 

~Flashback~ Also putting a trigger warning here. Abuse is involved~

2 years ago

"Luke, stop it. My family is going to be here any minute. You need to leave" Right now i'm on vacation with my family, but my family went to a restaurant so i told them i wasn't feeling well so i could stay hotel and relax. While my family was out, i mistakenly invited my secret boyfriend over to hang out. Well, i shouldn't say 'secret' . Dinah knows i'm with him, but only because she read our conversations. 

"Babe, why can't your family know we're dating? It would be so much easier that way" 

"You don't understand it, do you? They would kill me if they found out i said yes to you and i know you know why" My voice definitely showed i was getting annoyed. He knows exactly why, but he flaunts it in my face anyway. 

"Okay, so what if I've dated a lot of girls in my past? You're the only one i have eyes for now, baby" He threw his arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple. 

I cringed when i felt his chapped lips against my face, "Lies," I mumbled to myself. Clearly not quiet enough though, my words got a reaction out of his. 

"Excuse me? What'd you say, bitch?" He used the arm that was around my neck to push me to the ground. I left his leg kick my ribs, causing me to gasp and fall flat on my stomach. The pressure made me groan in pain. 

"Listen here slut, you are to never talk to me that. Understand? You are mine, no one else's. Talk to me like that ever again and your punishment will be even worse" He huffed, gave me one last hard kick to the stomach and walked out of my hotel room. 

I slowly got up and made my way to the bathroom. I lifted up my shirt in front of the mirror and saw big red spot. "I'm sure those will be bruises in a few hours," I thought to myself. 

Luke Ross, aka my secret boyfriend, is a total fuckboy. But no matter how hard i tried to resist him, something drew me towards him. His mysteriousness and his dreamy eyes- i just couldn't resist him. But one of the many downsides to him is that he has major anger issues. When he gets mad, he gets MAD. At first, it wasn't that bad. When he got mad, he wouldn't take it out on me or anything. But then he hit me, and i guess he felt the power he had over me and ever since then, he'd abuse me. Every time i tried to talk to him about it, he'd just do it again so eventually i gave up. Every time i try to break up with him, he'd continue to hit me until i was barely conscious. So i did what anyone would do in my situation, i gave up. 

~Flashback over~

Still Camila's P.O.V; 5 days after the situation- 

Read 4:37AM

That's the 74th message I've sent Lauren, none of them ever responded to. I've left her probably hundreds of messages to her, all of them also never answered. Half of them were probably incoherent with my crying, but i never gave up. But now i stopped. My fingers are raw from the typing and my voice is shot from all the crying and the screaming for her. I'm finally throwing in the towel, but not giving up on getting her back. 

Finals have been over for along time, not that i cared. I stopped caring about everything. I couldn't focus on any of my finals, causing me to fail all of them. Luckily i already have high A's so my grades didn't plummet anyway. but that is still a long lecture i'm going to get from my parents when grades comes out. 

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