Chapter 11

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Guys I'm excited. I changed the cover page! How does it look? I'm shit at cover pages so i was actually kinda proud that it turned at out that well. Its no txrches cover page, but it's something right? Anyway, enjoy the update (: We haven't had fluff in a few chapter so be grateful! P.S- might be a little short. I promise i'll make up for it! ALSO THERE'S A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION AT THE END I PROMISE YOU'LL WANT TO ANSWER IT!


Lauren's P.O.V-

"He what?!" I couldn't believe what i just heard. Never in the years that I've known her father would i ever imagine that he'd touch her. Let alone physically hit her. 

"Lo, i deserved it. Trust me" 

"No, no. i refuse to believe that. No one deserves to get hit for their sexuality. Not even the people we despise the most deserve that sort of treatment. I never took your father as a person who takes their anger negatively on people who definitely don't deserve it, and you're one of them. I don't care what you said that could've provoked him nor do i care if you even said anything, he didn't have to stoop as low as to abusing you. He's lucky enough i don't march my ass over their and give him a piece of my mind" I finished with an exaggerated exhale through my nose. I was beyond furious. How could someone who created the most beautiful piece of art in the world want to harm it? 

"Laur, I set him off. I said some stuff i shouldn't have said. I may or may not have instigated that we had sex in my room and that was a low-blow" My babe is a savage (true)

"Your dad thinks we had sex? Big whoop. It still doesn't give him the right to slap you. You even have a bruise forming around the cut he gave you. Plus, he shouldn't be mad. At least he doesn't have to worry about you getting pregnant" That earned me a slap on the bicep, but it also caused her to let out a loud, abnoxious laugh. But in my eyes, it was music to my ears.

"As much as i love your sass, can we cuddle? I just want to be held for awhile" She's so adorable.

"Of course baby" I crawled under the covers and patted the spot next to me, only to find she beat me to it.

She jumped on me and kissed my nose sweetly. She then re-positioned herself so her head was laying on my shoulder and her arms rested on my hips. I let my arms wrap around her back; just above the waist. She may be suffocating me, but i wouldn't have it any other way.

I gently ran my fingertips up and down up and down her back, careful not to move. She let out a content sigh, letting me know I'm doing something right.

"Am i heavy?" She mumbled into my neck, sending spikes of electricity through my body.

"Camila, you're like a feather. You're no where near heavy"

"I just don't want to hurt you"

"You couldn't even if you tried Camz" It's true. After all this time, Camila has never hurt me. We've been friends for what, 4-5 years? And after all the hours spent together, she's never hurt me. Sure she pisses me the hell off sometimes, but never once have tears fell down my eyes because of her. We have our ups and downs, but that's completely natural.

Afraid she was going to harm me, Camila slid off my body and crawled into my side. She stuffed her face into the crook of my neck and placed a small kiss after throwing her arm gently around my abdomen. I reached for my phone and played a song, hopefully to make up for the words i cannot manage to speak sometimes. I picked one of my favorites- Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute. It helps me cope with my surroundings sometimes and makes me think of her when i'm down in the dumps. 

"I love this song" She whispered. "It reminds me of you"

"I love it too" I whispered. "I use to listen to it a lot when i first admitted i had a crush on you. I especially listened to it when you were dating Austin and i was hella jealous" I despised Austin when i found out he was her first kiss. I was mad that he got to do something i dreamed of doing. 

"Ew. Don't even remind me of dorito boy. I regret everything i did with him" She admitted. 

"I hate that he got to be your first kiss" I mumbled into her hair. 

"If we're being honest, i imagined i was kissing you so i wouldn't puke in his mouth" At that moment, i couldn't decide if i should be flattered or disgusted. I knew Austin was repulsive, but i didn't think it'd be that bad considering the fact that he;s had a lot of practice with the whores he picks up. Besides Camila, of course. She was just too blind to see his real intentions. 

"Seriously?" I got out in between laughs. Camila always had that affect on me. No matter what she said, I couldn't help but laugh. Hell,  she could be the worst comedian in the world and i would laugh. I'll always come to the rescue and laugh at her lame jokes if i had to. 

"Yeah. I only dated Austin to distract myself from you because i thought i never had a chance with you. I always told myself that you were straight to push me to move on, but it never worked. I guess your green eyes hypnotized me" No matter how hard Camila tried, she could never get over her. No boy would ever compare to Lauren. 

"Well you can tell your pretty little heart of yours that it's not allowed in anyone else's hands but mine. You're stuck with me" I concluded. I'd be dumb to ever let her go. 

"Forever?" She mumbled into my neck. Telling my the quietness of her voice, she's seconds from falling asleep. 

"And always, babe" I whispered. "Go to sleep love. We can talk later okay?" 

"No" She said. "I want to stay up and talk"

"Baby, you're too seconds from falling asleep. I'll be here when you wake up, i promise".

She sat up on her elbow and looked into my eyes. "Promise promise?"

"Promise promise" I confirmed and sealed it with a peck on the lips. She smiled and laid down again. A comfortable silence filled the room. I could hear Camila's breathing even out, informing me that she finally fell asleep. I soon realized that i wouldn't mind if i did this every day for the rest of my life. I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with Camila. 

"Holy shit" I whispered to myself. "I'm in love with Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao."


Okay so like i said, it is a little short but i promise its for a good reason! I recently broke my wrist so it's a little hard to type on the computer with one hand. Also it hurts like a bitch. Like the dumbass i am, I was skateboarding at a skate park in my neighborhood and some douche decided he was going to skate right in front of me when i was about to go up the ramp so i jumped off and landed on my hand. My wrist literally snapped in half. I'll show you guys my x-rays in the next chapter. Anyways, i hope y'all understand why its kinda short now. 

I guess this was just some fluff cause its been a little while since we've had that... maybe not but i guess i like fluff so its gonna happen.


When do y'all want smut? Trust me, I've seen this fandom before. I don't want to make it too early but everyone likes camren smut so i don't want to make you guys wait too long... Let me you (: 

P.P.S- if you don't like smut, don't read it. Or don't read this story. I'm not gonna beg for you to come back if you don't. K? Alright cool. 


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