Chapter 22

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Important A/N at the end!


They continued to sing to each other and dance to their best abilities. Finally, they made it to Camila's house, instantly noticing an extra car in the driveway.

"Camila, who's car is that?" Lauren asked nervously, afraid she already knew they answer. But Camila never answered. She stayed silent as she observed the car she hasn't seen in weeks.

"He's back." 


"Camila, do you mean your father is back?" 

I soon realized that I never gave Lauren an explanation of where my father disappeared to. I'm aware that she has noticed his absence, but never asked where he was due to the fact that she wanted me to go to her instead. Now might be a good time to start that explanation. 

I took a deep breath and turned to Lauren. "A few weeks ago, my dad vanished. With no explanation or a simple note, he walked out of the house and hasn't been back since. As you can see, his truck is right in front of us and that only means one thing. He has to be back," I told her. She nodded her head and looked out the windshield, examining the truck. She then turned to me and smiled apologetically.

"Do you want me to go inside with you?" I could tell she was uneasy about asking, almost as if she wanted me to say no. I could see it in her eyes that she really didn't want to. I don't blame her though. My father can be terrifying sometimes, and i would know too. 

"As much as I want you to, you probably shouldn't. Considering how last time went,  I would really hate to see him to the same to you. I think its best if I go alone. Plus, my sister is here this time so maybe it'll be better." My gaze landed on my fingers, which were playing with hers that were interlaced with mine. 

"Hey," She said causing me to look up at her. My breath hitched in the back of my throat as I noticed her face was right in front of mine. "You know I love you, right?" 

I smiled and pressed my forehead against hers. "Yeah, I know. And I hope you know that I love you too, Lauren." 

She nodded her head with a toothless smile. "Yeah, I know princess." 

I blushed at the nickname and initiated our goodbye kiss. I ran my hand through her hair until I settled on caressing her cheek. I felt her hand on my hip, pulling me impossibly closer over the center counsel of her car. Remembering that I was in my parents driveway, I forced myself to pull away. Breathless, I gave her one last peck and collected my things. 

"I'll see you tomorrow morning, right?" I asked her as I opened the door. I felt her grab my hand and place a gentle kiss on the back of my hand.

"Of course, love. Text me if you need anything or if.. you know. Things get a little out of hand."

"I'll call you tonight to tell you how things went. Deal?"

She smiled and whispered, "Deal." 

I smiled at her and leaned over the center counsel to connect our lips once more. Then i hopped out of her car and made my way towards my front door. I looked back to see Lauren slowly making her way out of my driveway. She met my gaze and gave me a confident thumbs-up. I reciprocated the gesture and opened my door. I felt the uneasiness begin to build in my stomach as i made my way to the family room. 

Peaking my head around the corner, I noticed a very nervous Sinuhe pacing quickly. Walking towards the couch and to the arch leading into the kitchen, my mother had her hands behind her head and her placed placed on the bridge of her nose. 

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