Chapter 3

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Camila's P.O.V-

That was close. I can't believe I did that. I was seconds away from pouncing on her. I didn't think I had that much self-control. I rarely have urges, but the urge to kiss Lauren was almost unbearable. To my luck, Bea came and gave us our check. Lauren and I immediately looked at each other and darted for the paper. Sadly, Lauren's hand-eye coordination was a lot better than mine and instead of grabbing the paper, I hit Ally's cup over. But it didn't land on Ally, it splashed all over someone walking by.

"What the hell?!" The person screamed. The person turned and to my amusement, it was that bitch of a waitress: Ashley.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to do it," I said in a panicked voice but in reality, I was hysterical.

"Bullshit you're sorry! You're lips say one thing but your eyes say another!" She hollered. Anyone could tell she was livid just by the look in her eyes. But I'm not scared. It was an accident... a funny one but it was worth it.

"You know what? Grow up. It was an accident. She clearly didn't mean it. Here, take these napkins and leave us alone please" Lauren said while shoving the napkins in her direction. Whoa, I wasn't expecting her to stand up for me.

"Look, your little girlfriend ruined my favorite skirt. I have a right to be mad" she scoffed back.

"First of all, I have a right to defend her. Second of all, she did you a favor. Its pretty short as it is and looks terrible on you." 

She did not just say that to her face. Damn, Lauren's got some guts. Wait, why didn't she deny that I was her girlfriend? Maybe she thought by girlfriend she meant girl friend as in a friend who is a girl? Okay Camila, don't get too excited.

"Whatever. I was gonna ask for your number but you're just a ugly little-"

"Okay, that's enough!" I said as I got up from the booth. "I'm tired of hearing this. Leave before I get the manager. I don't even want to hear the rest of that sentence. You're lucky you didn't finish it or you would've regretted it," I said with venom laced in my voice.

"Camz, its okay. Sit down please," Lauren told me while interlocking our fingers. Oh god, there's the butterflies.

"Oh, so you are dating ,huh?" She asked.

"No. We're best friends" Lauren stated as she dropped my hand. Well, it was nice while it lasted.

I looked at the other girls and they just sat there in shock. Probably still surprised at my sudden out burst. Then they looked at me with sympathy in their eyes. But what did i expect to happen? For Lauren to confess her undying love for me? I actually expected her to blow up in her face on how much she doesn't like me in that way. At least it wasn't as bad as it could've been.

"Whatever. I'm out of here. Bye losers"

No one spoke of anything on the way home. We were all rendered speechless. Instead, we sat in silence. The only source of voice was the faint hum of the radio.

"Okay... what the hell happened back there?" Dinah asked.

"Well, Camz and I tried to get the check but she missed it as hit the water, it spilled all over that excuse of a waitress, she got mad, I defended Camz like the friend I am, she retaliated, then all hell broke loose. That's all I can comprehend," Lauren explained.

"God I hate her," I mumbled to myself. "She had to go and ruin everything. Fuck you, Ashley."

"Mila are you talking to yourself?" Ally asked while looking in the rear-view mirror for a split second before turning back the watching the road since she was driving.

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