Chapter 20

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"You should go before i never let you leave," I muttered against her lips. 

"Not that i'd be opposed to that, but you're right. My mom is expecting me to be home soon," She said. She finally let go and opened the front door. I stood behind the door with my hand on the knob as she turned to walk out the door. She was about to walk when she suddenly stopped. 

"What's wrong?" I asked her. 

"Camz," She said with an expressionless face. "You have a visitor."


"W-who is it?"

Suddenly a tall figure bursts through the door, pushing Lauren slightly out of the way. I closed my eyes in fear of seeing the mysterious person.

"Girl," The person said. "You got some nerve ignoring me all day. I had something important to tell you."

I opened my eyes when i realized who the person was. "Dinah?"

"Dinah?"  She mimicked."Obviously its me. Who else would it be?"

"W-well i wasn't sure. I thought it was someone else," My voice trailed into uneasiness. Not wanting to explain my troubles, I decided to change the subject. "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"Didn't you hear me? You've been ignoring me all day. But judging by the hickeys on your neck, i can see why," she smirked and stole glances between Lauren and I. My free hand shot to my neck in attempt to cover them. I blushed furiously as i ran to the bathroom to see the damage.

Upon entering the bathroom and turning on the lights, i can see exactly how Dinah noticed them immediately. Almost every inch of my neck was covered in marks from Lauren.

"Lauren!" I shouted. "Get your ass in here, now!"

"Uh oh," i heard her mumble.

"Ooooooh. Lauren's in trouble!" I heard Dinah say.

As Lauren walked through the doorway, i closed the door behind her and pushed her against the wall.

"W-what are you doing?" She stuttered.

"If I'm going to have to explain why i have hickeys all over my neck to my parents, so are you."


Lauren had left a couple hours ago, so it was just Dinah and I. Lauren texted me saying her parents didn't see the several hickeys I gave her because she wore her hoodie. Although they were mad she got back later than they intended, she said her parents were glad we had fun. If only they knew.

"Mila, stop daydreaming about Lauser and talk to me," Dinah complained, throwing a pillow off my couch in the process.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. What do you want to talk about?"

"Umm, depends. What are you comfortable talking about?" She asked, her eyebrows lifting suggestively.

"Are you gonna ask about my dad?"

"Maybe, maybe not." 

"Dinah, just be honest please," I asked as i flopped back onto my bed. Dinah sat on the bed next to me and crossed her legs. 

"Okay, yes. I was going to ask but i didn't want to spoil your mood. You seemed really happy before i came in. your face was practically radiating happiness," She said. Suddenly, her face lit up in excitement. "Wait, your face was glowing! What the hell happened that you were so happy about?" 

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