Chapter-15 "Dream"

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Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was asked, "Who is the best among people?" Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) replied, "He who, when you look at him, you remember Allah (SWT)". Such a friend reflects qualities of love, mercy, honesty, service, patience, optimism, professionalism, and the entire lifestyle taught by Islam.

15 January 2016


"Bismillah hir Rahman nir rahim ...Assalamualaikum  wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu  brothers and sisters  .Jazakallahu khairan kareem for your presence because it means a lot..Let's begin the function in the name of Allah the most gracious..So i would like to welcome Aaisha Shaikh for a beautiful naat.." Mahira spoke and went down the stage to his brother Zain ,she noticed the he is quite angry.. and asked ,

" What happened my bro.. you are looking like angry bird , may i seek reason??"

"I am not .." said Zain totally ignoring her question but he too knew he was somewhat angry.

"Don't lie brother.. It's wrong .. Allah (SWT ) hate liers .." Mahira said in a warning tone ..

"Mahira first of all.. Allah does not hate any one .. He dislikes lier's  .." He said .

"OK but say na why you have this face .. Like joker.. " she joked ..

" I wanted to recite the naat .. But due to your friend I can't .. " he exclaimed ..

"Ooohhh my brother ... You just can't be angry on this thing .. Remember anger is from shaitan.. Read the dua and calm yourself.. But I just can't believe you are angry on this thing .. This is so illogical considering you.. " said she..

"Yes you are right sissy.. I shouldn't be angry ... Jazakallah " he spoke ..

"Wa Antum fa jazakumullahu khair.. " Mahira chuckled ..

Aaisha was quite nervous .. She went to stage and greeted everyone with salaam .. She was wearing a royal blue abaya and golden scarf with the fine work of rhinestones.. She was looking so beautiful. She started the naat ..

Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kulli hi mi
Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kulli hi mi

Muhammadun Sayyidul Kawnayni Wa-Thaqalain
Muhammadun Sayyidul Kawnayni Wa-Thaqalain

Wal-Fareeqaini Min Urbin Wa Min-Ajami

Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kulli hi mi
Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kulli hi mi

Huzita Fil Lahilam Tuhzam Wa-Lam Tahimi
Huzita Fil Lahilam Tuhzam Wa-Lam Tahimi

Hataa Ghuwadad Ummatal Islami Finujoomi

Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kullimi
Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kullimi

Habiballah Rasoolallah Imam-al Mursaleen
Habiballah Rasoolallah Imam-al Mursaleen

Saraytan Haramin Laylan Ila Haramin Kama Saral Badru Fitajin Minazulamin
Saraytan Haramin Laylan Ila Haramin Kama Saral Badru Fitajin Minazulamin

Wa-bitatan Qaila Anil Taminzilatan
Wa-bitatan Qaila Anil Taminzilatan
Min Qamiqaw Sayinal Tudrak Wa-lam Turami

Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kulli hi mi
Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kulli hi mi
Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kulli hi mi
Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kulli hi mi
Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kulli hi mi
Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kulli hi MI

Aaisha finished the naat .. And Zain did not even once loose her sight .. She was looking so beautiful and was reciting the naat so beautifully .. Aaisha came down the stage and Mahira's voice broke his trance ..

"Mashallah what a beautiful voice  she have .. But wait what am I doing.. I was staring her.. Oh! Allah what am I doing.. Astagfirullah .. Ya Allah please help me .. And help me in walking on Sirat-e-mustakeem .. "

The function successfully ended and Mahira went to her home and Tanzhee Sana and Aaisha came to their room..

"MashaAllah Aaisha you have such a beautiful voice .. " exclaimed Sana ..

" And you were looking so beautiful .. MashaAllah .." Said Tanzhee

Jazakallah she said .. And they went to sleep ..

Aaisha :

"Assalamualaikum  doctor " said some voice

"Wa alaikumassalaam Mr.Engineer " I greeted ,and said in a humour filled voice "The dinner is ready and nothing is your fav today . "

"I don't need anything fav unless it's made by you " said the same voice .

"You know what I am really thankfull to Allah , I love you because of him , I can't even express my gratitude to my Rabb , who is the creator and sustainer of the whole universe I am thankfull to him that he made me among the believers , crores of Allhamdullillah ."

"Aaisha ,. Aaisha .. Wake up we are getting late for fajr , Aaisha " Sana and Tanzhee were shouting  and trying with all their efforts to wake her up.

Aaisha woke up with a jolt and saying something which made both of them quite ..

"What ?? It means that was a dream .. What kind of dream ??"

"Don't say now you were in dreamland and we were shouting here like lunatics " Sana said in horrified voice

Aaish retorted  " I don't want to say this but this is true .."

" Can you guys continue it later . we are getting late for the Salah " Tanzhee said and moved out of room followed by Sana and Aisha was shouting " heya girls wait for me too"

I was sitting near the pond in our hostel it is artificial pond and had many fishes the water was crystal clear and the movement of fishes were giving me a tinglingling sensation to my toes but however I was loving it . I was thinking how my life changed in few days.. what I was ,and what I had became and now what I am ., totally different.. Huh , this is called turns of life or say the reading of ECG when a person is alive ,the graph is never stable .

Flashback :

Assalamualaikum I said to my Quraan teacher ,and she replied to me with her salam ,
Today I completed my quraan hifz , I am very happy and today is fatiha , Ammi and Abbu are so happy , I am in grade three , and am the first to complete my hifz in my batch . I love you Allah , Thank you Allah .. Ya Allah always keep my parent happy just like this ..

Present :

I have read dreams have meaning and good dreams are Allah taa'ala and bad dreams from shaitan .. But this was something strange neither bad nor good.. What can it be ?? Was it just my thoughts..
Today's dream was so mysterious the voice I heard  i felt that i heard  before ,whatever it was Ya Allah help me ..

I was in my thought when someone jerked me I replied to the person who jerked me ,

"Mahira .. I was scared "

"Seriously do I look like a  ghost ??? " asked Mahira

"Almost .. " I said and laughed seeing her twitching her nose

"You are just like my bro , " Mahira said and left the place


Assalamualaikum ..
Jazakallahu for the read..
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